The Development of Adolescents Essay Example

📌Category: Child development, Health, Human Body, Psychology
📌Words: 438
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 September 2022

Adolescence is a period of time where a human body develops for sexual reproduction, and our emotions are all over the place it is when we slam doors, cry, and get angry at small things. During puberty the voice deepens, you start to sweat more, and also you have unwanted hair, and emotional changes and the menstrual cycle starts.

Physical development, breasts grow, get pubic hair, the voice deepens, hips widen. My individual started her period at the age of 12 and started to get unwanted hair, her hips started to widen. she didn't get tall. She got a lot of acne because of her hormones becoming active. Her breast developed and she started to get insecure about her upper body and side fat, she started to wear very big and loose clothes because she was insecure, still quite unhealthy. She started to self-harm.

Emotional development, the following occurs in adolescence: Mood swings, Conflicts with parents and other adults, Want for independence, negative emotions, Self-concept is becoming more formed, Own identity formed. She is beginning to get insecure, she was extremely insecure about her looks because her friends didn't have acne and pimples like her, she is beginning to believe she's not as essential as her friends. She stopped consuming to lose weight at 15 years, she is beginning to scream at her parents and brother for no reason and got extremely annoyed when her friends messed around with her and got envious when her best friend hung around without her. She was upset and she began to cry at night, hiding her feelings from friends and family and isolating herself from everyone. Began to have an interest in the opposite gender

Intellectual development in adolescence is that you think more logical way to solve problems, ability to empathise or learning new things, from her mom, she started to learn to cook, She wanted to start a passion for cooking, however because her mom was Punjabi she could only learn to cook Punjabi dishes. she also got smarter in relationships is started to understand what were toxic friendships and she started to show interest in her education and started to make a story of herself in the future but she got addicted to that story started to daydream in class and home and school if someone disrupted her thought she would get angry.

Social development, having a wider social circle, Influence of peer pressure, Sirat started to mess about in class, to fit in with her classmates and friends because she didn't want to lose her friends, Started to take a treacherous risk, she stopped eating so she could lose weight. Made multiple friends, became the most popular. She started to go to the gym after being fat-shamed. She was still good in school, and she started to be fat-shamed, and she started to lose her confidence.

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