The Gene Editing Technology CRISPR Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Genetics, Science
đź“ŚWords: 452
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 16 June 2022

Within our bodies, even smaller than our cells, there are strands of DNA. These strands hold information, genetic code that tells our bodies how to be us. Bundles of this information are called genes, and believe it or not, you can change your genes. Using emerging technologies, scientists have been able to modify genes to create more favorable traits, and even cure despises.Hereditary despises could cease to exist, but some are defying the inevitable and resisting this technology. Gene editing will change the world for the better for these main reasons.

To begin, the gene editing technology CRISPR can be very helpful to improve the human condition. Firstly, “CRISPR could provide a greater understanding of the human body and help patients in need of medical care” (Source 1, Paragraph 5). CRISPR technologies could possibly allow scientists to learn more about the human body and allow them to create even more medical technology. Next, “many dangerous inherited diseases may soon be eliminated as a result [of CRISPR]” (Source 2, Paragraph 6). Scientists really can irradiate entire diseases, this is such an advancement, it makes no sense not to use it, especially when less people having a hereditary despise means less people getting a hereditary disease. Some say that, “the rich will have more access to CRISPR than the poor” (Source 2, Paragraph 9). causing a health gap based on income.

While this is likely, it has not stopped the development of treatments such as heart transplants in the past, so why should it stop us now? Help for a few is better than help for no one at all. All in all, CRISPR can not only cure, but irradiate diseases entirely, changing the state of healthcare worldwide.

To add even more fuel to the fire, there s little risk associated with gene editing. Firstly, “CRISPR allows scientists to remove and insert genes precisely” (Source 2, Paragraph 6). Genes scientists are not trying to change stay unchanged, and only the proper genes are changed. Another way to look at this is, “it would be unsafe and unfair and it would quickly go beyond simply preventing inherited disease” (Source 2, Paragraph 7). However, with regulations, this would not happen on accident because of the accuracy of gene editing. It would be safe, mostly fair, and stay within regulations. Furthermore, “The new gene editing methods appear to be quite accurate. All tests and experiments so far seem to prove there is little risk involved” (Source 2, Paragraph 8). Its minimal risk, and such a revolutionary reward, it should be abundantly clear that gene editing is a good idea.

As you can see, gene editing will change the works. With it in their arsenal, scientists have the power to eradicate disease and advance health technologies in general. So, when gene editing inevitably hits the polls, remember the lives it can save and the knowledge it can uncover instead of the non- existent possibility of a non- issue.

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