The Scarlet Ibis And Brother's Relationship (Free Essay Sample)

đź“ŚCategory: Books, The Scarlet Ibis
đź“ŚWords: 780
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 23 September 2022

The narrator was not a decent brother to Doodle . The elder brother was not kind nor compassionate toward his younger brother. The elder brother showed no respect toward Doodle portraying his selfishness as well as aspects of his immature personality. 

The elder brother was too self centered to treat his younger brother Doodle correctly . On page 285 the elder brother says” When Doodle was five years old . I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk , so I set out to teach him .” This quote provides evidence that the reasons for teaching Doodle to walk were selfish . The quote only contained the thought of the elder brother having a younger brother who couldn’t walk, proving he was only thinking for himself . Above all the elder brother was trying to push Doodle to be normal, clearly showing he disliked having a brother who was different from everyone else 

The narrator saw his younger brother as a source of pride and a way to boost his ego . “But all of us must have something or someone to be proud of, and Doodle had become mine. “ This statement from the text proves that the elder brother was thought less and pleasure had taken over him . The statement proves he used his younger brother  Doodle as a way to heighten himself and his public image .  If the narrator wanted to be a good brother he would have forgotten about his pride and self-image by putting his younger brother first by caring for him, more and accepting his brother for how he is and who he is instead of pushing him to be normal like him and making him his source of pride . 

On the other hand many can say that the elder brother was caring towards Doodle by teaching him how to walk and do normal kid things so he wouldn’t get picked on in school , but the elder brother did not do it for Doodle. The elder brother did not want his brother to get picked on, yes but only so the elder brother would still have a good public image. The elder brother did not care if Doodle was getting hurt by being picked on; he only cared about if the others would judge him for having a crippled brother. As already stated in the first paragraph  the quote ” When Doodle was five years old . I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn’t walk , so I set out to teach him .” Again this quote proves that the narrator only cared about his public image and what others thought of him for being related to a crippled person . He did not accept his brother for being different and that is a quality of a brother who does not care about his siblings.

The elder brother was a cruel and thoughtless person who treated his younger brother poorly. In the text the elder brother says “ The knowledge that Doodles my plans had come to naught was bitter and that streak of cruelty in me awakened . I ran as fast as I could, leaving him far behind with a wall of rain dividing us .”  In this quote the narrator admits that the cruelty within him was awakened , providing evidence that in the end of the story the elder brother does in fact admit his actions were cruel and he knew what he was doing was wrong.  The elder brother had left Doodle behind because he felt that his sense of pride was crushed and he thought it was Doodles fault due to his younger brother’s limited physical abilities . “He didn’t answer, so I placed my  hand  on his forehead and lied his head. Limply,  he fell backward onto  the earth. He had   been  bleeding from the mouth,  and his neck and the front of  his shirt were stained a brilliant red . “ This quote provides evidence that it was the elder brother's fault for the death of Doodle . The elder brother had left his younger brother behind due to the cruelty that had awakened inside him caused by his failure to teach Doodle to be like any other kid .

In conclusion , the elder brother was not a good brother to his younger brother Doodle . The elder brother did not care about his younger brother and was the reason that Doodle had lost his life. .The narrator left his brother behind in the storm, causing him to lose his life since his heart could not handle the stress nor the physical activity that was at hand . The elder brother was a heartless person who was too focused on his ego as well as public image, to accept his younger brother for who he was causing him to be at fault for his younger brother's death.

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