The Struggle of Determination (Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass Essay Example)

📌Category: Articles, Education, Learning
📌Words: 1178
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 28 March 2022


The term determination is used to describe several things, it can be used to describe a marathon runner determined to finish a race, or it can be even used to describe a single mom determined to give her kids a better opportunity in life. In the Frederick Douglass case the spark of his determination came from being educated. Frederick Douglass's essay “Learning to Read and Write” describes the obstacles he had trying to become literate as a slave. Despite the obstacles Douglass faced it was clear through his writing that he was determined to become educated. He explains his struggles and describes how he overcame them. Frederick Douglass also elaborates on how he lost hope several times but focused on the bigger picture which kept the spark of becoming educated alive. Throughout Douglass's essay, it is evident through his actions how vital he saw education. Douglass's determination is evident through his ability to overcome obstacles throughout his essay and it's clear that his hunger to become literate was from the hope that through education he can attain his freedom.

Fredricks Douglass' essay “Learning to Read and Write” describes Douglass' struggles in becoming literate as a slave and the obstacles he faced in doing this. Douglass hoped education would lead him to attain his freedom. Douglass' essay explains that what sparked his hunger for becoming educated were the teachings from his mistress. Douglass explains that as a young slave his Mistress tought him the alphabet even though it was against the law for her to do so. Soon his mistress ceased her lessons with Doulgas, this caused Douglas to seek new ways of learning and through this he became more resourceful. Douglass made friends with poor white boys and exchanged bread for short lessons in writing and reading.

Throughout the essay Douglass not only writes about his trouble with becoming educated but the thoughts of him being a salve for life. Douglass explains how reading a book called “The Columbian Orator” caused these thoughts and there he truly saw the importncae of human rights and how cruel slavery really was. As described by Douglas when he reading the book, he saw how an educated slave argued with his master which caused him to be released. Ths books gave Douglass sparks in him becoming free but also made him angry and frustrated because he saw both the blessings and negatives of education. Several times throughout the essay Douglass became frustrated and angry with his situation, he despised being a slave he several times he thought about himself being a salve forever. Douglas explains he couldn't think like that because he knew the only way to become a free man and escape slavary was to become educated.

Throughout the end of the essay Douglas counties to fight with his emotions and even suicide. However even throughout feeling like this douglass still manges to be resoruful. he listnes to conversation about slavery and learns about abolishinistt. Through his time in town he continues to seek knowledge he learns to write by watching ship carpenters write and copying notes off books. Soon Douglas becomes more literate and educated through this and finally becomes litterte through his determination and resourcefulness

Similar to Douglass, education has played an important role in my life in high school. I was determined to get good grades and saw the importance of school and how grades reflect on everything. In high school, school and soccer were the most important things in my life. I prioritize my time and my focus on those things to hopefully get a division one offer from a university and pursue a major in biology or psychology  and further develop my soccer career. Junior these hopes and wishes partially came true. Through my grades and soccer ability I was given an offer from Appalachian State University, however my senior year Appalachian State shutdown their men's soccer program due to Covid and my soccer offer was revoked leaving me with no backup option. These events caused me sadness and anger leaving me distress but it caused me to become more determined than ever.

The events that took place really had a toll on me. It caused me anger and frustration similar to Fredrick Douglass. It felt as if all my hard work was just thrown out the window. Similar to how Fredrick Douglass I both saw the pros and cons of education, it seemed as if I slaved away in high school for four years just for nothing. My senior year I had a lot of contemplation and things to think about. I applied to several schools such as NC State, UNC, UNCW and Appalachian State. Luckily I was accepted into almost all of them just deferred from NC State's school of engineering. I weighed my options and spoke to my parents but felt as if soccer, the only thing second to my education, was going to be left out of my life for good. I looked into schools soccer programs but it seemed like all of them were struggling because of Covid. 

The more I contemplated the more I lost hope. My time frame was shrinking and I still didn't know what I was going to do with my situation. I still wanted to pursue my education and I still wanted to keep playing soccer. Similar to Fredrick I saw how important education was. I knew soccer and education had to go hand in hand. Similar to Douglas as well I was losing hope he lost hope he was going to be free and I was losing hope that I was not going to achieve my full potential sweat blood and tears just going to waste years of putting in the extra work out the window.

Although my issues are no wear near as important as Fredrik Douglass were they still had a large impact and similar to Douglass I was determined to find a way around them.  I had to become resourceful like him. I looked at other schools then found a solution to my dilemma. I saw that Wake Tech had a soccer team and was a great way to continue my education which also allowed me to transfer if things went my way. The school had a career option so I can continue my education and pursue biology and psychology and also be able to further pursue soccer. Although this may seem like a small issue, to me it was a lot bigger, my parents pressured me to get good grades and not only pursue soccer but also my education. Growing up my parents didn't have it as well as I do now. Both of my parents being first generation immigrants they expected a lot from me and expected me to do well so I can have a better future than they did. In my household education always came first my mom and dad made it clear as I was growing up, although I didn't have it as rough as Fredrick Douglass did we both shared the same desire to learn and grow.

The essay “Learning to Read and Write” expresses the importance of education and why Frederick Douglass seeked it so much. His essay really portrays his determination and it shows his struggles and obstacles and shows how he overcame them to become educated. Not only does it show his physical struggles but also his mental struggles. Douglass’s essay demonstrate the important of education and his determination inspired me with my education journey and show me the privilege i'm in and why i should stay determined to keep going with my journey if struggles arise through it.

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