Why Is African Wild Dog Endangered Essay Sample

📌Category: Animals, Environment, Extinction
📌Words: 317
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2022

Did you know that there are an estimated less than 5,000 African Wild Dogs left on earth!?!? They are endangered and need help. They are suffering from fatal dangers such as habitat loss, hunting, and diseases; and if we don’t help them the entire food chain could collapse. Please help us save the African Wild Dogs we need you.

Habitat loss is the biggest threat to African Wild Dogs. The grasslands, arid zones or drylands, and the savanna is their home and it is being used up by farmers. Farmers are taking too much land for cattle which eat the grass African wild dogs hide in. In addition to this, farmers are planting too much which takes up even more space. African Wild Dogs face an almost greater threat: Hunting.

Farmers are once again a threat to African Wild Dogs. It seems like they can’t get enough of these innocent dogs. Farmers go out and hunt them because they are afraid that they will eat their livestock. Sadly they will go out and poach them because they don’t want to pay money. This is sad that people do all this, but humans aren’t the only threat natural diseases are too.

Diseases can just affect one species but some can affect everything from cats to dogs. In 2000 a disease called CDV or canine dismember virus spread throughout the grasslands and savannas. This disease was very deadly it killed 49 of 52 animals within 2 months. That means that almost every 12 out of 13 animals were killed from this disease. As you know see many things are threatening the African Wild Dogs we need you please help.

The African Wild Dogs need help please help them we need you. They are suffering from habitat loss, hunting, and diseases and they need help. We can save them by spreading our knowledge, recycling, and doing a meatless Monday. I think that at this rate in 1-2 years African Wild Dogs will be EXTINCT! Please share this information with everyone. The world needs you. Please help.

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