Why Naruto Is the Best Anime Ever Argumentative Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Anime, Entertainment
đź“ŚWords: 379
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 22 April 2022

Searching for the best anime that suits everybody? Naruto is that anime that everybody is searching for. Naruto is the best anime because it is appropriate for kids, It teaches great life lessons, and it is a very popular anime around the globe.

The first reason Naruto is the best anime is because it is Kid appropriate. Naruto is one of the few anime that is suitable for kids and adults. According to Commonsensemedia.com, Naruto is appropriate for kids 9+. Naruto is definitely appropriate for kids 9+ because some people start watching it at an earlier age than that, like 5-7 years of age! Momlovesbest.com lists anime that are appropriate for kids and Naruto is one of the top ones. Lastly, webmagazine.com states that Naruto is a popular anime suitable for kids from ages 6-10 years old. This only proves that Naruto is kid and family friendly.

The second reason Naruto is the best anime is because it teaches great life lessons. Some life lessons Naruto teaches according to lifeisnerd.com are Believe in yourself, Never give up, Never judge on appearance, and Teamwork. An example of this would be the main character's hardships and how he gets through them. Animemedia.net states that some life lessons Naruto has taught people around the world are: If you truly love someone, you protect them with all you have, Never give up, Pain makes you stronger, and True friends are always together. Naruto is one of the little anime that teaches people around the world these life lessons. To sum it all up, Naruto is the best anime because it also teaches people life lessons.

Lastly, another reason why Naruto is the best anime is because it is very popular around the globe. Naruto is the fourth best-selling manga in history. It has sold 250 million copies worldwide in 46 countries and states according to mv organizing.org. Diamond lab recently held a study 187 countries around the world and the results have shown that Naruto is the top anime in 187 countries around the world.ond lab recently did a study on 187 countries of the world, and according to the results, Naruto is by far the most popular anime in the world, dominating 81 countries. Also, according to reelrundown.cm Naruto is one of the most popular animes.

In conclusion Naruto is by far the best anime because it is kid friendly, teaches great life lessons, and is one of the most popular anime around the globe.

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