
Essay Sample on Tobacco Use

Tobacco use has a predominantly negative effect on human health, while the conflict on the health effect of tobacco has a long controversial history. Tobacco use has been argued as the leading cause o…

Words: 487
Pages: 2
Essay Sample about Drug Addiction

Substance abuse, neglect, and addiction will always be a hot topic especially in the world we live in. Many Americans struggle with this including children,parents, and etc. To solve the urge of peopl…

Words: 1384
Pages: 6
Essay Sample about Chocolate Addiction

Can chocolate affect your happiness? Your brain chemistry? Could it even be additive? First, the short answer is yes, chocolate can affect many things such as your mood and how happy you are; however,…

Words: 392
Pages: 2
Essay Sample on Alcoholism

I chose Alcoholism because it is a very serious plague in the modern-day world. Alcoholism is the addiction to consuming alcohol and having a dependency upon this substance. It's a liquid that impairs…

Words: 403
Pages: 2