13th Amendment Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Law
đź“ŚWords: 377
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2022

I choose to do my story on the 13th amendment and how impactful it was to all parties involved. Before the amendment was passed society was rough for African Americans. The amendment wasn’t the first step the president put in place to stop slavery because the emancipation proclamation was established. The problem with the proclamation was that it was seen as only for the moment and only freed slaves it didn’t get rid of slavery. The thirteenth amendment was possibly the most effective amendment to have been passed to me. With the amendment being passed it created a closure of a whole lifestyle, the South which withdrew from the association had to free their slaves. The south was then forced to find another method for supporting themselves and working their money crops.

In spite of abolishing slavery, African Americans were still discriminated against and had few rights. This affected how people interacted with one another and how children were treated. When slavery ended it was considered a positive due to it being one of the main reasons for civil war. Civil war was so powerful families and friends parted ways over their beliefs. Segregation existed still after slavery was removed until the Civil Rights Movement helped African Americans achieve equal rights. The 13th amendment definitely was the first step toward being equal.

After doing my research on the 13th amendment My knowledge on it has expanded dramatically and my respect for history has went up. After doing research I’ve realized that without this amendment being set in place I wouldn’t be able to achieve and go after the opportunities I’ve been bless with and set out for myself. A thing I learned about that stuck out most would have to be peonage which consist of laboring or working to pay off debts. That’s huge to take away because if it still existed it would give owners to hold slave’s hostage to work.

The 13th Amendment was quite simple in its ending of slavery and the slave trade. It was a positive step in the right direction to equal rights for African Americans. Unfortunately, there were many ways in which slaves generally could be kept in slavery, but with the Civil Rights movement it was a step in the right direction. This fight is still being fault for example the Black Lives Matter movement has been established demanding equal rights for black people and speaking up on unnecessary violence against them.

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