1776 Movie Analysis (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 440
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 September 2022

“1776” the movie was originally a Broadway musical and then was turned into a movie. The Movie first premiered in 1972 and was directed by Peter H. Hunt. The movie mainly focuses on the continental congress and the days leading up to July 4th.

The movie takes place in the days leading up to July 4, 1776. It concentrates on trying to get the Declaration of Independence passed by congress. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson are trying to convince all of the states to agree to the declaration of independence. Only one word stands in their way. A “nay”, if one state says no then the Declaration of Independence will not be passed. After many modifications to the declaration, they vote. In the end, they get all the states to say “yay”.Then the Declaration of Independence was passed by congress.

Two characters that stood out to me were John Adams and Tomas Jefferson. John Adams was smart and cocky. I would define him as someone who thinks there is the best. I don't like him much. Whenever he would open his mouth I would get annoyed. Jefferson was a better charter because he was smarter but would gloat about it and was an overall nice person. 

The movie covered the days leading up to July 4, 1776, The continental congress, and the signing of the declaration of independence. Most of the historical parts of the movie were accurate in my opinion. How they argued and talked felt real. The movie did a very good part in showing the historical part of the story while also keeping an interesting plot. If you compare it to a more recent musical like Hamilton It holds up rather well. 

The movie was a musical so there was singing, dancing, and detailed customs. The singing was a little amusing, the pieces don't have much to say about the movie. It seems that they were just tossed in there to extend it. The song “Momma, Look Sharp” was so unnecessary I don't know why it was even in the movie. The costumes on the other hand were really good. They looked like they had just come out of the past. The hair down to the shoes was really good. The movie had two, maybe 3 sets: the congress room outside and John's farmhouse. They looked like wheels put together and were historically accurate. The story was fine; it was consonant with how it occurred in real life. If I were to suggest this movie it would be for the historical point only. For entertainment, I don't think I would suggest this movie. I think it would be better as a musical, not a movie. 

“1776” the movie released in 1972 would be a good movie for historical points, not entertainment. I would give this movie a seven out of ten.

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