A Solution to the Mind-Body Problem Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophical Theories, Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 1075
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 14 March 2022

Have you ever wondered what produces consciousness or even what consciousness is? Is the gray organ inside your head behind your movements and thoughts? In this paper I will define the basic issues concerning the mind-body problem, then I will discuss four philosophical solutions to the mind-body problem. The four types of solutions to the mind body problem, which are type-identity physicalism, functionalist physicalism, property dualism, and substance dualism. Then I will present the position of substance dualism and I will explain why I believe it is the best solution to the mind-body problem. 

What is the mind body problem and what are its basic issues and questions? The mind-body problem is the question of how mental states and brain states relate to produce consciousness. A mental state is a state of mind such as a belief, desire, emotion, and intentions. A brain state is a physical neurological structure of our brains. The mental state and brain state relate to produce consciousness which is our unique perspective of the external world and a privileged perspective on our internal life. What exactly is consciousness? Consciousness is the “what it’s like sense.” (Nagel, 1974). It is for me to be in a subjective or first-person state. The mind-body problem is split into two categories, physicalism and dualism. Physicalism is the monistic position that the world is made of a physical substance. Dualism is the position that the world is made of two different substances. The mind body problem has several basic issues such as the issue of the problem of identity, which is the question, can we explain the continuity of our identity. Another sub-problem is the problem of intentionality, which is the question, can we explain the reality and unity of deliberation. The problem of interaction is the question, can we explain how, where, and under what conditions the brain and mind interact. The last problem is the problem of multiple realizability, which is the question, can we explain why human beings have consciousness and why other things have do not. Solving the mind-body problem requires us to solve the several sub-problems which I have stated above. 

There are several potential philosophical solutions to the mind-body problem, each consist of their own pros and cons. The first of four solutions is type-identity physicalism. Type-identity physicalism is, when mental states are identical to types of brain states. We are our brain according to a type-identity physicalist. Harvard alumni Steven Schneider (1995) says,” Type-identity theories hold that at least some types (or kinds, or classes) of mental states are a matter of contingent fact, literally identical with some types (or kinds, or classes) of brain states.” A type-identity physicalist would say that types are general categories of neurological activity while a token is a way more specific area of identity. The second solution to the mind body problem is functional physicalism. Functional physicalism is when mental states are the functional manifestation of the brain states. We are out behavior with functional physicalism. Thomas Polger (2005) from the university of Cincinnati says,” According to functionalism, mental states are identified by what they do rather than what they are made of.” A functional physicist would say two people with the same behaviors have the same brain. The third solution to the mind-body problem is property dualism. Property dualism is when mental states are epiphenomenal properties of brain states. Epiphenomenal means produced by, but not reducible to, nor casually affective on. According to a property dualist, we are our minds. Scott Calef (1995) says,” Dualist in the philosophy of mind emphasize the radical difference between mind and matter… Property dualists argue that mental states are irreducible attributes of brain states.” If you were talking to a property dualist, they would say that the mind is non-physical but is caused by a physical brain, so there is still only one substance, a physical substance. 

The fourth problem, substance dualism, is the best solution to the mind-body problem. What is substance dualism and why is it the best? Scott Calef says in the IEP substance dualism is the argument that the mind and body are two different substances. Substance dualists think that the mind is a thinking thing that lacks the attributes of a physical object such as size, weight, shape, motion, laws of physics, and so on. Famous philosopher René Descartes calls the mind a thing that thinks and not an extended thing and he calls the body a thing that is extended but does not think. (1980, P.93). He continues by saying, “But what then am I? A thing that thinks. What is that? A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills, refuses, and which also imagines and senses.” (1980, p. 63). René continues to say his soul has been attached to his body later in his writhing’s and in this text, he states how the body and mind are connected but different things. René understands that he is capable of thinking, yet he has a physical structure while other physical things are not able to think. Therefore, he thinks there are two types of materials not just physical. Why is substance dualism the best and how does it solve the sub problems? Substance dualism saves a sub-problem none of the physical can solve which is the problem of interaction. The separation of Physical and non-physical substance is the only way we as humans, or any creature with a conscious mind, is able to possess free will. All physical solutions to the mind problem struggle to explain how to solve the problem of intentionality. The mind uses the brain through a non-physical interaction and causation goes both ways. “According to most substance dualists, mind and body are capable of causally affecting each other. This form of substance dualism is known as interactionism.” (Calef,1995). Substance dualism also solves the problem of identity. Our soul overtime doesn’t change because it is not a physical object, therefore that is why your identity stays the same even when your physical state changes. How does substance dualism connect to the Cristian world view? In the bible the book of Ecclesiastes 12:7 states,” And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” Breaking down this verse it explains how our physical body will wither and we will all return to dust at one point or another but our soul or spirt continues and returns to God who created us. 

In conclusion, in this paper I have defined and described the mind-body problem and explained the significance of the problem of identity for solving the mind-body problem, I have discussed four potential solutions to the mind-body problem, I have made a case for substance dualism as the best solution to the mind body problem by explaining how it solves the mind-body problem of identity better than the physicalist solutions, and I have shown examples of how substance dualism and the mind-body problem relate to the Christian world view.

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