Admission Essay Example: Carnegie Mellon

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 275
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 14 October 2022

Firstly, I'd like to thank the admissions committee for giving me a second chance to attend Carnegie Mellon by offering me a waitlist. Especially for a competitive major like computer science, I don't take this generous consideration lightly. I know Carnegie Mellon is where I belong, because of the emphasis on humanity in computer science through human-computer interactions. As I mentioned in my admissions essays, I foremost want to use computers and my knowledge to help others. Whether that's through supplying the code for sustainable energy systems, protecting the security of other's personal data, creating robots to aid first responders in natural disaster zones, or mapping the brain to help understand how neurons operate in the mind of individuals with bipolar disorder, I will make the world a better place. I want to attend Carnegie Mellon because they are the embodiment of my vision. Being able to participate in computational neuroscience research as an undergraduate research fellow under the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, learn more about other cultures and gain valuable experience through working abroad by connecting with Alumni at the International/Global Opportunities Virtual Career Fair, and inspire others to pursue STEM through Gelfand Outreach Program are opportunities to practice assisting others with computer science rather than just preach until I go graduate school or join the workforce. Carnegie Mellon doesn't make students wait to make a difference, which is perfect for me. I can help others to the utmost ability with an education that prioritizes the software, hardware, and humanity of computer science, with the resources of an institution that values the people education helps and much as the education itself. Regardless of the outcome on May 9th, thank you once again for offering me this opportunity to prove why I would succeed at Carnegie Mellon.

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