Admission Essay Example: M-Engin Academy

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 281
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 October 2022

Participating in the M-Engin Academy would be incredibly useful to me by helping me to be more prepared for the transition to college and adult life. This will be a large step for me, especially with me being significantly younger than many of my peers. In M-Engin, not only would I be given preparation for integrating into a different lifestyle, but I would also have access to a support network and resources to help me take advantage of all the opportunities presented to me at U-Mich. 

Everywhere I go, I bring my unique presence, from my enthusiasm to learn from others to my leadership and organization skills. I’ve been a part of summer programs at a local college multiple times, as both a student and a staff member, where I eagerly embraced both roles and learned about the nuances that came with each. As a student, I became friends with many of the Greek students and learned about their culture and some of the language. When I was a staff member, my experience was different- I learned from the other staff and teachers about the various responsibilities I needed to assume, and soon I began to thrive in the new environment. I am always excited to connect with new people that I can learn from and teach them a few things of my own in exchange. I embrace finding common interests with people and encouraging them in their own pursuits. Helping others is one of my passions, and I’ve grown to realize when I need that help myself and to ask for it, which has been a struggle for me in the past. 

Being a part of the M-Engin Academy would help me integrate into a new life at U-Mich and let me put my own skills to use in a STEM context.

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