Admission Essay Example: Western Governors University

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 1584
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 19 March 2022

While I have many motives for attending Western Governors University such as earning a degree that can propel me further in my desired career trajectory or simply to learn and grow as a person, my main motivating factor is proving to myself I can overcome the challenge of getting my college degree while working a full-time job. I understand this is a challenge, but I almost encourage it because I know that overcoming this chapter in my life will give me a valuable education and a tough work ethic. These courses will challenge me around every corner and I understand this fact is no easy task as I will need to adapt to a new process of education but the reward of proving that I can earn agree to myself, family, and friends is an unmatched satisfaction that is unmatched.

By earning an education and degree through Western Governors University, my life will be positively changed in many different ways. The degree path I plan on getting my degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing will allow me to better pursue a career working with my father at his local insurance agency. I can use the marketing tactics and countless skills I will learn throughout getting my degree to bring his business to another level and allow us to grow faster and stronger as a company. This degree will also allow me to create marketing campaigns that fit our target demographic. By advertising to our community with the correct and relevant information through a meaningful ad campaign, we will be a more effective and recognizable agency. Personally, having a WGU degree will allow me to advance within my career field and will allow me to live the life I want for my future. I have ambitions of buying a house, traveling, and growing within my career and a WGU degree will elevate me to a place where that is possible.

The WGU program I will be participating in is the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Marketing degree program. In this program, I hope to learn a wide variety of topics such as creating marketing strategies, learning about the psychology of people so I may effectively approach them with a relatable ad campaign, understanding the decisions consumers make, and how to use that to my advantage and learn how to advertise online as well as learning more traditional marketing styles. I believe this program will be able to teach me how to effectively advertise to different groups of people, and be able to adjust ad campaigns to fit certain criteria. Throughout his course learning everything that goes into marketing strategies and how they are created, as well as learning business strategies that will help me to become a better leader, communicator, and advertiser will become invaluable and is something I expect to learn throughout this program.

Requirements I will have earning my Western Governors University Marketing Degree in Business Administration include developing competencies in the field of Marketing and Business Administration. By gaining competency in Marketing, I will be able to help my father’s business grow by using up-to-date marketing tactics and ideas to connect better with consumers. I will be able to use the marketing knowledge from the WGU program to expand into different markets and allow my family business to grow and prosper. I will use the competency I gain from the Business Administration program to be a better leader and co-worker. I will also use my knowledge from these courses to build a team of people around me and then be effective at leading them in a solid direction. I look forward to meeting these requirements head-on and believe that by gaining competency in both Marketing and Business Administration, I will be able to tackle many challenges ahead, and believe I will have a distinct advantage going into my desired career.

I believe having a Program Mentor is a valuable resource to use along my educational journey at WGU and I believe there are many scenarios in which they are a good resource to reach out to. One scenario I can see myself reaching out to my program mentor for is to discuss and strategize on how to strategize on time management and study habits. With my program mentor having real-world expertise in the program I am participating in, it will be helpful to receive her perspective and guidance on study habits and how to use the time I have effectively. I haven’t been through a college program before and it will be a new and sometimes scary experience for me, but knowing I can reach out to someone who is always there to help will allow me to not feel stressed when needing guidance. I also feel the many ways I can reach out to my mentor will allow us to have better and quicker communication. By setting up appointments, calling, and emailing my mentor I’m sure I will be able to get in contact and solve my problems with my mentor.

Throughout my WGU journey, each course has a course instructor who is an expert in the field of study and will be of great help throughout my time at WGU. Because of their strengths in specific areas, I can see many scenarios where I might need to reach out to them. One scenario I can see myself reaching out to course instructors for is guidance on what steps I should take to be effective in their course and what advice they would give someone who is looking to succeed in their specific course. By getting information directly from my instructors on what success looks like in their course and how to be more efficient in learning the course material, I believe will give me the confidence to dive deep into the material and give it my all with keeping in mind the information I will have learned from my course instructor. Also, being able to reach out for help when getting stuck or frustrated on sections of learning material will be extremely helpful because it will allow me to move on and learn quicker rather than wasting time being frustrated. Reaching out to my course instructors will be one of the most valuable tools I have and believe it will help me immensely throughout my WGU educational journey.

While at WGU, I will need to build habits and behaviors that will help me throughout my academic journey. Two actions and behaviors that will positively impact my first term are to fully utilize my program mentor and to utilize all the resources WGU offers. By keeping in contact with my Program Mentor, I will be able to have someone hold me accountable and help me to make continued progress throughout my courses. Having regular contact with my program mentor will also allow me to gain advice and tips from them about time management, course strategies, and where to go when I need more assistance. By consistently using the WGU resources provided to me during my first term, such as the Writing Center, Math Center, and the Student Success Center, I will be able to increase my competency in math and writing while also using the Student Success Center to help guide me through issues I may encounter along my education journey. By using both my Program Mentor and the resources of WGU, I truly believe I can be successful in this learning environment in my first term and beyond.

My plan to implement my study schedule is to schedule specific times to study each day and then add on when I have free time and use any extra time I study to advance further within my courses. Each day I want scheduled times for studying but also allow myself to study during unscheduled times to add to my daily total. Some days might be different than others, but always pursuing the goal of reaching around 3 hours of studying each day is the ultimate goal. I have informed people around me of my studying goals and feel they will help encourage me to hit my goals each day and give helpful reminders to stay on course. I want to be able to have multiple study times each day, one in the morning, one around lunchtime, and then multiple smaller sessions throughout the workday. Because I work with my dad, we have discussed if the business is slow or I have finished all my work, I would be able to use my free time to work on my WGU coursework. I feel by spreading my study time throughout the day I will be less likely to burn out and retain more information as I give myself time to think about it in between sessions. Altogether, I feel by implementing this plan I will find myself to be more successful during my WGU journey.

My plan to implement my study schedule is to schedule specific times to study each day and then add on when I have free time and use any extra time I study to advance further within my courses. Each day I want scheduled times for studying but also allow myself to study during unscheduled times to add to my daily total. Some days might be different than others, but always pursuing the goal of reaching around 3 hours of studying each day is the ultimate goal. I have informed people around me of my studying goals and feel they will help encourage me to hit my goals each day and give helpful reminders to stay on course. I want to be able to have multiple study times each day, one in the morning, one around lunchtime, and then multiple smaller sessions throughout the workday. Because I work with my dad, we have discussed if the business is slow or I have finished all my work, I would be able to use my free time to work on my WGU coursework. I feel by spreading my study time throughout the day I will be less likely to burn out and retain more information as I give myself time to think about it in between sessions. Altogether, I feel by implementing this plan I will find myself to be more successful during my WGU journey.

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