Admission Essay Sample: UBTECH

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 757
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 February 2022

What is Success? The Oxford dictionary defines success as “the fact that you have achieved something you want and have been trying to do or get.” UBTECH is a Technical College that has given me the opportunity to take success for myself. This is why technical education is important to me, it is more than just going to class and doing your assignments. Technical Education  can help you get the skills and characteristics that will not only help you with passing a class but will help you succeed throughout your lifetime. 

Through the many different classes I have been able to take I was taught how to work as a team even if everyone doesn't think the same or do things the same way.The first class I ever took at UBTECH was a carpentry class. Since I was already in the course I decided to compete in the local skills USA. I got the chance to compete against the other students from the Uintah Campus and the Roosevelt Campus. At first I was super nervous because I wasn't near as qualified as the other students I was competing against, but everyone was so willing to jump in and help one another even though we were competing. It really showed me the difference that could be made by simply offering a little bit of advice or teaching someone how to do something in a new and better way. Even though we were competing it was more like a team exercise than it was a competition.

With the opportunity to work with so many different instructors and different course work, I was able to learn how to have confidence in myself and the knowledge and skills I have been able to learn. As a senior in high school I decided to complete the course and get registered as a Certified Nurses Assistant. When I entered the class I realized how much work was required and how much I would be learning. It kind of scared me because it was all information that I not only had to remember for the tests, but I also had to retain it all so I could be capable in the job field. At the beginning the skills really made me nervous because there was so much to do and to remember. As I advanced further into the course the skills got a little less scary and because of how my instructors showed me and encouraged me, I was able to be confident in passing off my skills. After I completed the course I was able to take my state exam knowing that I could pass it because I knew how to do it and I knew the information. 

UBTECH has so many different opportunities and people who are always willing to help, this showed me how to keep going when things don't quite go your way and how to reach out and use the resources available to me. After high school I finally decided to apply to the pharmacy tech program but by the time I looked into it I had missed the deadline. The admissions office was amazing, instead saying sorry you missed the deadline, better luck next year, they said since it's too late to apply to that program, here are the ones still open that you may find intriguing. When looking into the programs I found out about the surgical technicians program and to say the least I was intrigued. I instantly started the application process. With the help of the admissions office I was able to get all of the application done, and all of my placement tests completed in time for the deadline. They were so amazing to work with me and help me really succeed. I was able to make it into the program and so far it has been truly amazing. I would have never been able to make it into the program without the help and support of those available. 

Technical education is important to me because not only has it given me the knowledge I will need for a specific career, It has also given characteristics that will benefit me throughout my life. I will be able to take what I have learned and apply it to everything in my life in order to continue succeeding. It has given me confidence in myself and my knowledge. It taught me how to keep going even if things don't go as planned and how to adapt and use the resources that are given to me. It taught me to have team work and to be willing to help and listen to those around me. Technical Education is way more than just learning a specific skill, it teaches way too many things to list. I am so thankful I have had the opportunities I have had with UBTECH and I'm excited to keep going.

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