Adolf Hitler And Concentration Camps Essay Example

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Holocaust, Nazi Germany, War
📌Words: 366
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 October 2022

Madagascar was going to be the new home for Jewish people but didn’t happen because the Nazis thought it was impractical. This is saying an idea the Nazis had at a point in time. Who would be more responsible for WW2 is Hitler or The Nazis more responsible for WW2. While the Nazis killed a lot of people, Adolf Hitler has more responsibility for the loss of human life in concentration camps because he ordered the nazi to kill the people in the concentration camps.

Hitler has more responsibility for the loss of human life in concentration camps because he told the Nazis what to do. This was in 1941 after Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. “It was sometime near this point in the war that the Nazi leaders began their “final solution” to what they called the Jewish problem.”(“Holocaust”) It says the Nazi leaders which Hitler is, not the Nazis. Hitler is a Nazi leader he created the final solution.

Hitler has bigger responsibility for the loss of human life in concentration camps because Hitler ordered the Nazis what to do. This takes place near the beginning of the Holocaust. “On Hitler’s express orders, millions of people mainly Jews, were rounded up and systematically slaughter.”(Maier) This says Hitler ordered the Nazis not the Nazis doing it by themselves without orders. Hitler ordered the Nazis what to do.

Hitler has more responsibility for the loss of human life in concentration camps because Hitler hated the Jewish people the Nazis just listened to him. The quote was mentioning that his hatred of Jewish people started in Vienna. “It was in Vienna that Hitler developed his hatred of  Jews.”(Maier) This mentions that Hitler was the reason the Holocaust happened. Hitler hated the Jewish people so when he became part of the government he created laws against Jewish people and started the Holocaust. 

In conclusion, that is why Adolf Hitler has a greater responsibility for the death of humans in concentration camps. Hitler was a leader of the Nazis and ordered them around. He told the Nazis to round up and bring all the Jewish people to concentration camps. So they can get killed or work until death or work until the camp is liberated. Hitler hated the Jewish people for having a better life than he did as a child. Do you think the Holocaust could happen again?

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