Advertising Strategies Research Paper Example

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 709
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 April 2022

Throughout a campaign, several methods and approaches are employed. These strategies are commonly utilized to attract the target audience and encourage them to purchase a product or service. Overly tricky techniques, in my opinion, are frequently used in weasel words, ideal family/life, and before and after advertising.

For starters, weasel words are utilized to avoid making a direct statement or promise. For instance, the Trident gum advertises itself under the phrase "helps fight cavities, super useful." Essentially, this commercial isn't making a genuine statement. It informs you this when it says it will help you get rid of or combat cavities. It's doesn't, however, specify how this may be achieved. As a result, the terms "super useful" don't truly tell you or provide evidence that this commodity will be valuable. Furthermore, these sorts of tactics are meant to persuade the audience that such items are capable of far more than what the product itself implies. Rice Krispies Cereal is an additional example. "Now helps support your child's immunity," reads the label on this cereal. Again, while immunity can be supported, this advertising does not promise any real improvement in immunity. Furthermore, the key phrase is "assists," which offers no indication of what the rice Krispies do to boost their immunity. Emotion is used in this strategy, which is commonly done by fondling weasel phrases in capital letters. According to Wanda Marie, ¨The lack of specificity causes trained individuals such as editors to regard the inclusions of weasel words as useless and as evidence of lack of sufficient effort or research¨. As previously said, I consider that these advertisements are generally improper and inadequate since they give little confidence making you hesitant to inquire further about a product.

Foremost, ideal family/life commercials are a popular term that is utilized to boost profits and build a favorable reputation with customers. Consider the Skechers footwear commercial, which features a family of six. Essentially, the purpose of this advertisement is to demonstrate that by wearing these shoes, your entire family, including your two-year-old, will be thrilled. Furthermore, these strategies aren't always employed in footwear or apparel. You could also notice that these advertisements appear in meals. Consider the McDonald's commercial. This advertisement portrays a four-person family that appears to be pleased with their decision to dine here. A tagline is ubiquitously used in these campaigns. The Mcdonald's commercial, for example, claims, "the food tastes especially good when your family is eating it together." So, tonight, get together with your family. and eat at McDonald's for dinner Furthermore, many advertisements try to persuade you to purchase by claiming that their product would reunite your family. These strategies, in my opinion, are unsatisfactory since you don't need your family to be there all of the time in order to eat or enjoy nice things. According to Glenn Sacks and Richard Smaglick, ¨the vast majority of learning-disabled students are boys, and boys are four times as likely to receive a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as girls.¨ Similar to what was said before, this is aimed to make people aware that every family should be ideal and united.

Finally, before and after ads are used to give the product credibility to help the users believe in the claim. However, it wouldn’t be a good idea to use this tactic if you know that your solution isn’t going to work. For example, the ads for wrinkle removal, iqderma. This ad assures that this product will get rid of your wrinkles and will leave you as a young person again. This product consists of the phrase, ¨smarter than botox¨. Essentially, we can immediately tell that this is in fact a fake product because no product will leave you good as new from one day to the other. Moreover, it is far too dangerous to trust tactics that involve a before and after approach because most of them can result flawful. For instance, an ad for animal care such as Parachute coconut oil. This ad portrays a lion with a before picture of monstrous and messy and an after picture which includes a nice-looking friendly lion. This strategy, in my opinion, is unsatisfactory because many times the audience has been tricked by seeing these ads and thinking that what they see is what it is. According to Mofrad Muntasir, ¨And when it came to making that claim, some advertisers had taken the "creative liberty" and made exaggerated promises to the users. As a result, the trust in the product and, to some extent, this technique has diminished slightly.¨ It was further proven that making unrealistic assertions may lead to dissatisfied campaigns and audiences.

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