Air Traffic Controller Career Essay Sample

📌Category: Business, Career
📌Words: 307
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 April 2022

Have you ever asked yourself, what is the point of math? When will I ever use math in life? Well, lots of jobs use math. Almost every job will require at least some math skills! So, in this paper, I will be writing about the career of an Air traffic controller, what air traffic controllers do, what education they need, and how they use math.

As an Air Traffic Controller, they use technology and math to give pilots instructions on taxiing, taking-off, and landing. Lives are in their hands as they coordinate the movement of aircraft to maintain safe distances between each other. Air Traffic Controllers work in control towers you see at the airport, approach control facilities, or route centers. Each one of these careers requires math skills. 

To become an Air Traffic Controller, you will need to know college algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus 1 and 2, and statistics. Before becoming an Air Traffic Controller, you must also complete an FAA-approved education program, pass a pre-employment test, receive a school recommendation, meet the basic qualification requirements in accordance with federal law, and achieve a qualifying score on the FAA-authorized pre-employment test. It takes a lot to become an air traffic controller.  

Air traffic controllers use their math skills all day long. Air traffic controllers have to be quick thinkers. They use math to understand distances and measurements at a moment's notice. They also need to be able to do mental math swiftly and precisely. These calculations and measurements are used to direct aircraft at what altitude and speed to fly. A fault in their calculations could be fatal. So, having strong math skills is important to have when becoming an air traffic controller.  

So, you might have thought there was no point in math, but many careers require math skills. The skills you are learning in class are very important and will be very handy in the future. That is why it is very important to pay attention in class.

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