An Overview Of Apollo 11 Mission Essay Example

📌Category: Science, Space
📌Words: 1191
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 12 June 2021

In 1969, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) accomplished the long-foreseen goal of putting man on the moon. This major achievement would be just the beginning of countless other technological advances the United States would experience. While the moon landing was the start of space exploration across the globe, it altered life and ambition in the United States in many aspects.  

Early in the morning on July 16, 1969, the spacecraft called Apollo 11 blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 39A in Florida. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins were aboard the shuttle and finally reached the moon’s surface four days later on July 20th at 3:17 pm EST. (2019) Armstrong was the first man to step outside onto the powdery ground, later stating his famous quote of “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” These inspiring words left a legacy across the nation that anything is possible. Americans also felt extreme pride when the men planted a United States flag in the ground, claiming their victory of the Space Race. 

During this time, the competition that would be known as the Space Race became popular all over the world. While Russia did beat the United States by sending the first man to space, America reciprocated by safely landing a shuttle on a celestial object. This pushed America ahead of other countries by proving its intellectual and industrial status. Another reason the nation was so focused on this fight for superiority was the goal President John F. Kennedy set when stressing the urgency of the mission. Kennedy planned that they would “go to the moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard...” (Markovich 2021) This inspiring quote was yet another reason NASA persevered to reach the moon before its competition. 

For this major event to be successful, it would require years of challenging work along with teams of people that were dedicated to the mission. NASA started preparing for this mission long before 1961 when they successfully sent the first American into space. They used the findings and research from the Freedom 7 capsule along with several other experimental trips to better prepare for the moon landing. Robert Gilruth, Hal Beck, Marlowe Cassetti are a few of the renowned engineers who spent years preparing for the landing. (Brown 2019) The IBM computer system also worked on the specific details that would enable the men aboard Apollo 11 to safely touch down on the moon. Without those working hard behind the scenes, this day in history would not have been possible. 

Apollo 11’s primary mission was to get a better understanding of the moon’s surface and makeup. The men aboard the shuttle took pictures of the Earth from the celestial body, collected samples of rocks, and documented craters and erosion. (Botkin-Kowacki 2019) NASA took this information and went on to study the gravitational connection between the satellite and Earth. This later proved that any radiation or rocks that pass through one, passes through the other. While the origin of the moon was debated for some time, scientists came to the hypothesis that a Mars sized planet collided with Earth, causing rocks and debris to be sent into orbit. The wreckage fused together and produced a mass with enough concentration to continue orbiting the planet for billions of years to come. Though the mission did supply the data it was designed to obtain, it led to many other breakthroughs and scientific developments. 

Once this historic event took place, the United States and the world were changed forever. Nothing seemed impossible, so Americans began to set higher goals for themselves and their nation. NASA had inspired everyone to continue persisting and reaching for the stars, just as they had done. Citizens across the globe became optimistic and let their imagination run wild. President of CBS at the time, Richard Salant, expressed just how extraordinary the experience was by saying how this occasion helped “unify a disparate world through communicating with so many people.” (Stelter 2019) This shows that not only was the moon landing beneficial to space exploration, but it also had a major influence on the increased patriotism in the USA. 

The moon landing did pose many concerns as it did possibilities. The mission would be extremely expensive to fund due to how unfamiliar this territory was. It was also a very controversial subject as many debated the dangers and tragedies that could accompany if the shuttle were to fail. People also thought the government should stop wasting billions of dollars on space travel and put it towards youth or housing. President Kennedy responded by saying if they cut the space program, the people would “not receive the additional funds for education.” (Jastrow 1963) On the other hand, the mission would come with advantages such as additional Congress funding and the emerging of new extraterrestrial research. Though the expedition would never be fully supported, it did allow for other fields to advance as well. 

Many industries, primarily the telecommunication, newspaper, and mechanical, experienced major development as they were among the essentials in the 1960s. The television stations were bankrolled on the ability to broadcast the moon landing live so the world could partake in the action. Newspapers wrote on the landing for months afterwards which continued to bring in a substantial amount of income. The papers varied from many topics on the landing; for example, when Anthony Tucker included information and facts as well as Armstrong and Aldrin’s description of the moon’s surface. (Tucker 1969) The development of these diverse industries helped aid in the growth of the United States as a whole. 

In addition to the economic advancements the landing caused, technology also began to rapidly progress. After the mission, NASA started creating scientific inventions that would be beneficial for space research and later be used in everyday life. They developed a water purification system that would cleanse water of silver ions and chlorine. (Brown 2020) NASA also altered breathing masks, so they would be lighter and more efficient. Another product they helped modify was cordless devices, particularly drills and tools. This made the collection of specimens easier and would later be helpful in the construction industry. While these are only a few small innovations that resulted, they would lead to more significant technology such as probes, rovers, and even the International Space Station. 

The start of space exploration brought many opportunities that became available to diverse groups of people. Employment with the space program was not primarily based on one’s social background, gender, or race. NASA judged based on diligence and ambition which is why such a variety of men and women were able to be a part of the institution. The moon landing created hope in boys and girls that they could have an equal chance at reaching their ambitions. Sally Ride and Mae C. Jemison were the first of their ethnic groups and sex to become astronauts. (Redd 2018) These women raised the standards for girls in America and broke countless gender norms across the nation. By having such a varied group of personnel representing the program, NASA created positive, inspiring role models for future generations. 

Given the positive and negative outcomes of the moon landing, one can conclude that it had a substantial effect on America. Though Apollo 11’s planning and calculations took years to figure, it only took a few moments for the world to be changed forever. This mission has been among the most significant in American history as it opened new doors and pushed the boundaries of what humans could accomplish. Without the dedicated men and women who worked for this accomplishment, the nation would not be what it is today.

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