Analysis Essay on Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

đź“ŚCategory: Canada, Government, World
đź“ŚWords: 257
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 03 June 2022

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is valued by Canadians for a variety of reasons. Under Section 2, everyone has the fundamental freedom of religion, thought, opinion, expression, peaceful assembly, and association. Canadians value this right as they are free to be who they are, as long as they are not violating another person’s rights and freedoms. They do not have to fear punishment from the government if they practise their religion, disagree with the Prime Minister’s views, etc. Under Section 3 of the Charter, every Canadian citizen—18-years-old and older—has the right to vote in free and fair elections.

This is important as Canadians have a ‘voice’ in who runs the country, their province, and their city/town. They are able to vote freely and fairly for the leader who will fulfill their values. The right that no person is above the law, and has the right of equal protection of the law without discrimination under Section 15 is also valued by many Canadians. No matter how high of a status you have, you are under the law. So, higher powers, like the Prime Minister, cannot get away with crimes any other Canadian citizen would get fined or jailed for. Finally, if you feel as though your rights and freedoms have been violated, you have the right to apply to a court competent jurisdiction to acquire justice.

Canadians value this right as for instance, if you are not hired somewhere solely because you are a woman, with enough proof you can take that to court and obtain justice. In closing, there are many reasons as to why the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is so important to Canadians.

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