Analysis Of Anthem By Ayn Rand

📌Category: Anthem, Books
📌Words: 769
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 June 2022

Imagine being in a society where one cannot be simply himself/herself but must always be part of a collective—scolded for being different from others, living in a continuous, never-changing routine without questioning one’s existence. Anthem is a novel by Ayn Rand that's based on a society that forbids people from exploring themselves and the possibilities of the world—a world that deprives people of individual identity or independence. In the novel Anthem, Rand develops a sordid and encouraging tone through person vs society conflict and the characters’ self-confidence to express the significance of individuals having an identity.

Ayn Rand develops a sordid tone through person vs society conflict. For instance, the Anthem society does not want people to be different from one another, especially when it comes to intelligence. Equality found this out the hard way.  “It was not that learning was too hard for us. It was that the learning was too easy. This is a great sin to be born with a different head that is too quick. It is not good to be different from our brothers but it is evil to be superior to them. The teachers told us so and they frowned when they looked upon us” (Rand 21). This illustrates The struggle Equality faces demonstrates the inherent wrongness of the Anthem world, which helps build the sordid tone. Person versus society conflict is developed as people are told intelligence is wrong and evil, which, for readers, would be different, as students are typically praised for their intelligence creating a sordid tone seeing people scolded for what actually should be praised. Similarly,  

Dare not choose in your minds the work you would like to do when you leave the home of the students you shall do that which in the council of vacations you shall do that which the council of vocations prescribes for you. For the council of the Vocations knows in its great wisdom where you are needed by your brother men, better than you can know it in your brother men there is no reason for you to burden the earth with your bodies. (Rand 22)

This reveals that people are not allowed to choose the career that they wish but are assigned one. Readers can pursue a career they prefer—what they think is best for them—while in the Anthem society, a job is chosen for them otherwise they are of no other worth, therefore, creating a sordid tone as people's true intellect is found purposeless distinguishing from the opportunities typically a reader is entitled to. These 2 examples prove the theme as people are told not to be different and it's a crime. Individuals are subjugated as a collective, which suppresses a person’s individualism, which is wrong.

Ayn Rand develops an encouraging tone through the characters’ self-confidence. When Equality acquires knowledge of the past, he only wants his independence, distinguishing between him and others. And so, “my thought, my will , my freedom and the greatest of this freedom I owe nothing to my brothers nor do I gather debts from them I ask none to live for me nor do I live for any others I convert no man's soul nor is my soul theirs to cover” (Rand 97). One can see how the influence of living under the Anthem society affects Equality. Creating an encouraging tone Equality never wants another person indoctrinated as he was once before. Readers understand that one must live for oneself, not on the fulfillment of others. Equality can thrive in his newfound freedom alone relying solely upon himself to make a change further on with how society views itself.

¨We stretch out our arms for the first time do we know how strong our arms are and a strange thought comes to us we wonder for the first time in our lids what we look like men never see their own faces and never ask their brothers about it, for it is evil to have a concern for their own faces or bodies but tonight for a reason we cannot fathom we wish it were possible to us to know the likeness of our own¨. (Rand 62)

Furthermore, with his identity no longer suppressed, Equality is truly able to see himself. He cares now for his well-being as before it was a crime to wonder about himself; he gives hope for others living under anthem rule to recollect their identity. He sees the value in himself finally wanting to understand himself. Encouraging as when people they know themselves can better appreciate themselves and others. These two examples prove the theme, as Equality is now free and an example of a person's change and self-discovery was once given the opportunity.

Undoubtedly, Ayn Rand wants readers to understand the importance of people having an identity. People should freely be able to express themselves; without individualism, some fewer people are different, who want to bring new change to the world. Equality is finally able to be himself, which makes him happiest.

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