Analysis of Behavioral Sciences and HDFS

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 584
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Choosing a major is hard, and knowing what you want to do in your life is hard, especially when you choose a major when you´re only 18. Most people do not know what they want to do, but they know they want to help people.  Two majors that are good for people who want to help others are Human Development and Family Services (HDFS) and Behavioral Science. When looking at careers in HAFS and Behavioral Science, they are comparable when looking at cost, the jobs, and hands-on experience. These majors are somewhat similar to each other, so most people's question is, what are the differences?    

HDFS is a major that most case and social workers major in, so if you want to be a case or a social worker, this is the perfect major for you! Even if you don't want those jobs, there are other jobs you can get with an HDFS degree. With an HDFS degree, you can work in social service, be a family therapist, and choose what age groups you want to work with! The only problem for people is how much it might cost to major. Oklahoma State University's website says that to ¨major in HDFS would cost $5,237.25 per semester on tuition. ¨. The good thing is that the average starting salary is $27k, and that is only the starting average! You still have to keep in mind living expenses and that you have to pay $5,237.25 per semester for four years, and that is just the tuition itself!

You might know what Behavioral Science is, but they're so much more than psychology. Now don't get me wrong, Behavioral Science does focus on mental health, but it is a multidisciplinary major. Behavioral sciences deal with psychology, sociology, and anthropology, and they explore and analyze human actions, habits, and intentions. If you were to major in Behavioral sciences, you can; get many of the same jobs that you can get with an HDFS degree, but there are some different jobs you can get with a Behavioral Science degree. Some jobs you can get include mental health counselor, crime analyst, addiction counselor, and more. To even major in Behavioral Science can cost you around $8,039 for in-state and $25,642 for out-of-state students, and that is just an estimate. The money you can make with a Bachelor's Degree in this major is around $29,740, even more, it just depends on what job you get.

Both HDFS and Behavioral science can be very different from one another, but since they are different, we can't ignore their similarities. Something essential to people is if their major or job will be hands-on. The lucky thing about these majors is that they are very hands-on. That is mostly the same with the jobs you can get with the majors, but it depends on which jobs you do. The good thing about the jobs you can get most of the time is they're hands-on. While we are on the topic of jobs with both majors, you can get the same jobs or similar ones. You can both be counselors and social workers, and there are over 100+ jobs that both HDFS and Behavioral Sciences majors can get or are identical to each other.

Going to the college itself is a gigantic, commitment, and it´s very expensive. It is essential to look at the differences between majors before you decide what major or even college you go to. It is key to know what you are getting yourself into. It is essential when deciding on a major to choose something that you would love to study and will love as a career. When selecting that major, make sure to observe those differences because those differences can be a make or break.

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