Anxiety in Adolescents Essay Sample

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 434
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 October 2022

At the age-old part of humans, there is a driving force to survive. Now, this driving force has led civilization to thrive for years, but it may be blocked or subdued by other human elements. In society today, many driving factors limit the ability of a person. One of these is anxiety, which is an experience that is associated with a state of uncomfort, whether it is physical, mental, spiritual, or any other way. Anxiety has always been present in humans and society, but recent changes and advances in civilization have issued anxiety to morph and advance as well. Adolescents, in particular, are the main subgroup that is very familiar with anxiety and its different forms of it. Young children and teenagers are growing physically, and mentally, so adolescence is the most formative part of one’s life. The pressure that society has left on adolescents today is greater than ever. Times have changed and so have anxiety rates. There has been a steady increase in anxiety in adolescents because of digital technology and the Covid-19 Pandemic, despite more awareness of anxiety in adolescents today.

Digital technology has drastically changed the lives of adolescents by becoming something that is commonly involved with every life. “Today’s children and teens are constantly connected to social media. It’s not surprising that their self-esteem – and worldview – becomes connected to responses to social media posts,” (McCarthy 4). Social media is just one form of digital technology that is creating anxiety. There is a desire to be seen as perfect as it only depicts the highlights of one’s life. “To date, research illustrates that poor mental health is associated with material disadvantage and unemployment, income, debt, educational attainment, ad parental education,” (Scheffler et al. 1). Social media draws on appearances, wealth, and many other things that will cause one to worry about their self-image. There is this desire to try and be perfect in every way, so there is a great number of anxious teens that are constantly addicted to social media and digital technology. Around the world, there is always a camera somewhere, so there is this lingering thought that adolescents need to look perfect all the time. The constant threat of a camera may also ruin many lives of adolescents as there can be trauma produced from unwanted posts or pictures. Anxiety can cause high rates of depression because of all the pressure that adolescents are faced with. For example, Female adolescents are affected by social media anxiety more than male adolescents, yet both groups are still greatly affected. Social media is a platform that indirectly enhances comparison between others. Comparisons like wealth, looks, and talents. Realistically everything that one might be anxious about. Although social media and digital technology were created to only make life easier, they brought repercussions such as increased anxiety among adolescents.

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