Are you obese and unaware?

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Health Care, Human Body
đź“ŚWords: 609
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 13 March 2021

Are you obese and unaware? 
Obesity is a complex disease that causes roughly 112,000 deaths per year in the United States due to unhealthy eating habits and little physical activity, but there are also many other elements to consider when discussing the cause of obesity. There is so \much to learn about this topic that may help you out in the long run. In this case, knowledge is power. Might also be a factor in changing your life around for the better as well.
Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. In recent decades, the prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in the United States, tripling among children and doubling among adults. The expansion of this epidemic is the result of definitive changes in our environment and behaviors in impressionable people. Tempting low-priced foods, with very high calories have become easily accessible, and they are advertised daily. Eating out has become quite the activity for many, seeing as though many do not cook for themselves, therefore leaving them to depend on unhealthy fast food restaurants. The taste buds of children have become most satisfied with beverages sweetened by sugar and unsatisfied by healthier choices such as water.

While obesity can cause very life altering diseases and health problems, there are some overweight human beings that are just as healthy as can be. Being overweight does not necessarily mean you are in bad shape. Many people with the health condition live long lives. Obesity is preventable as well, you just have to be willing to work. Obesity can decrease a person’s life expectancy. If careless you could be diagnosed with many problems pertaining to your health. Much like any other disease, it can lead to death. It can heighten your chances of catching things as serious as cancer as well. To add on, it can cause problems with your mental stability. Not to mention your confidence. 

Your food choices play a huge role in obesity, and a huge role in trying to overcome it as well. You don’t need to eat green vegetables for the rest of your life per say, but you need to bring down your intake on foods containing so much sugar. Beverages as well. These sugars cause you to become overweight and unhealthy. That weight and unhealthiness cause you to gain weight in areas that are dangerous. The area you have the weight in is very important. Some example habits when pertaining to eating and weight gain, are eating too fast, eating when not hungry, always eating till there is nothing left, eating dessert all the time, and eating while standing up.

Obesity is very difficult to treat and has an extremely high relapse rate. Most people who lose weight regain the weight within five years. Even though medications and diets can help, the treatment of obesity and road to recovery cannot be a short-term fix, but has to be a lifelong commitment to healthier eating habits, increased physical activity, and regular exercise. If you have obesity and have been unable to lose weight on your own, you can access medical help. You should start with your primary care physician, because they may be able to refer you to a weight specialist in your area. Your doctor may also prescribe certain prescription weight loss medications in addition to eating and exercise plans.

Despite what most say, obesity is a dangerous condition and denial may be the thing holding you back if you are diagnosed. Accept it and change it, with the help of your doctor and those around you. As said before, there are also many other elements to consider when discussing the cause of obesity. The complex disease that causes roughly 112,000 deaths per year in the United States due to unhealthy eating habits and little physical activity, is still, and will always be one of the biggest and most common diseases in the world.

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