Area 51 Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Government, Science
đź“ŚWords: 1396
đź“ŚPages: 6
đź“ŚPublished: 18 June 2022

Area 51 how the US higher-ups are concealing a mothership of possibilities from the giant eyes of the public

Area 51 is a military installation air base near Rrachel, Nnevada at a dry lake bed called Groom Lake, it is a part of the much larger Nevada test and training range(formerly Nnellis air force base). Wwhich is three times the size of Rrhode Iisland, twice the size of Ddelaware  and about the same size as connecticut  it is a place that contracts many conspiracy theories mainly because the government did not admit it existed until 2013 and still has not admitted that there is extraterrestrial life at area 51 but that will only be a matter of time especially since the government receives a ton of backlash over the subject of ufos (or UAPs as the government now calls them) but sooner rather than later the government will be forced to acknowledge reality and confirm that ufos and extraterrestrial life are real (coming soon) the main reason people think that they have not came out and announced it is because of foreign relations with countries such as russia and china who are also interested in the ufo phenomenon and are even rumored to be building bases similar to area 51 which are also rumored to house aliens and extraterrestrial life also the uk is also highly interested in the ufo phenomenon but unlike russia and china they are not rumored to have an area 51 like base that houses aliens and extraterrestrial life.

Aafter the roswell incident in 1946 which in case you did not know theknowthe Roswell incident  was an infamous ufo crash that single-handedly brought the Roswell population up by 46362 in 74 years which is 626.513513514 people per year people  belief in aliens had been skyrocketing for years now belief percentage that the government is hiding something at area 51 is at 26% belief in aliens and extraterrestrial life is at 65% and belief in the fact that ufos that have been spotted and reported have aliens in side of them is at 51% as of june 2021 ufos have been spotted ever since basically the first neanderthals became homo sapiens the debate around this is simple are ufos real or not if so are they proof of extraterrestrial life if not how do you explain the crafts people have been sighting since ancient times ufo phenomenon is a millennium old subject and debate that has been going on since the dawn of man most people before roswell believed aliens were fake and flat earthers were more popular then government cover up believers but now it is much closer 26% to 33% back in 1946 before roswell it was a lot farther apart and even after roswell it was still a pretty big margin but area 51 was the straw that broke the camel's back and propelled government cover up rumors to how they are today.

Right before, the heart of the story, and main event Bob Lazar is the area 51 whistleblower that single-handedly started these conspiracy theories he worked at s4 a sub-area of area 51 while he was there he did extraordinary things like work on an alien spacecraft and work on a gravity reactor that produced anti-gravity so he could not touch it Bob Lazar got fired from s4 only because he wanted to show his friends the ufos they were test flying and for the third time they brought a motorhome to watch the test flights but they got caught because he and one of his friends were talking and one of them said they should attack the base and steal the crafts it just so happened that security guards were watching them the whole time previously bob lazar had worked at Los alamos a lab in New Mexico he got hired to work at s4 by putting a jet engine After he got fired from s4 he stayed put for about a year then Bob Lazar decided to share his story with the only Las Vegas investigative journalist he knew a guy named George Knapp Knapp wrote his story in the local paper but not many people believed it  on his honda Bob lazar came out and talked on may 15 1989 shocking all of the world with his extraordinary an anonymous man later found out to be bob lazar came out and talked about working on alien spacecraft at S4 a subsection of area 51 on the 5 oclock las vegas news they aired the video of his extraordinary claims these videos spread like wildfire it caused people to question the massive amount of classified stuff the government was doing and whether or not it was worth questioning the government over its classified projects and rather that was more surreal then we previously thought this was the first time the government's liability had been called into question since roswell this along with roswell led to the government cover up rumors that still exist today it was also the first time that somebody had spoken out against the government over the subject of ufos since roswell bob lazar pretty much became a hero to the few government cover up believers because he single handedly upped their followers up a whole lot to the point where the rumors imploded to the point there at today.

The significance of these rumors is that it got the world to believe in the unbelievable many other world powers started their own ufo researching projects similar to project blue book  these countries included russia,china,and the uk before bob lazar came out and talked nobody could have saw this coming it also caused military officials to learn how to stand up for the truth in order to share their own encounters with extraterrestrial life after bob lazar came out and talked there was a gradual massive spike in ufo reports especially from trusted government officials the percentage of ufo reports by government officials since 2004 is roughly 0.004% this might not seem like a lot but before 2004  the only other ufo reports by government officials was bob lazars s4 ufo story and the roswell ufo crash report and supposed cover up in new mexico which really was a first in many categories including first confirmed ufo crash,first time government cover up became a possibility,first time governments liability had been called into question,and many others that are too numerous to count there have been 363078 ufo reports from january 2004 to june 2021 and 144 of those were by government officials that numbers at 0.000396609 there are other places similar to area 51 in Russia and China. These locations are incredibly mysterious military bases that nobody knows their purpose in Russia has Kasputin Yar China has Lop Nur air force base

There are also other countries interested in the ufo phenomenon that do not have mysterious bases like India, France, Great Britain, Iran, Germany, and many other countries. these countries still do not have as much interest as The USA, China, Russia however, Iran is also high up there in terms of ufo interest however they are mainly interested because Russia is interested the UK and France are interested because America is interested and India and Germany but Germany is still more interested than India are only minorly interested at the same time Russia and China still do not compare to the US obsession with ufos and area 51 has heavily contributed to this obsession as has the Roswell incident

The town closest to area 51 is Rachel, Nevada now Rachel is the polar opposite of Roswell instead of the post-Roswell incident population boom it as of the 2020 census had a population of just 82 people the only time Rachel Nevada had many tourists was during the storming of area 51 in the year 2019 a facebook event that completely flopped after nervousness amongst attendees led to the event being a massive failure after this Rachel returned to having very few people and has remained that way ever since and may stay that way forever unless the government confirms the fact that area 51 is hiding alien technology but who knows when that will ever happen and if it does people still might not go to Rachel simply because it does not have much to do all it has in it to do is a restaurant and a motel and everything else is nothing but open fields and desert with a few building here and there but not much more then motels and a few other places mixed in and the public consensus tends to think they will move to a larger metropolitan area like las vegas simply because there is more to do plus the public opinion says that they do not want their kids driving an hour to school every day like they have to do in Rachel plus Las Vegas is still only a two and a half-hour to a 3-hour drive to area 51s front gate.

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