Argumentative Essay Example: Auschwitz Should Stay Open

📌Category: History, Holocaust
📌Words: 666
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 September 2022

Auschwitz, a Nazi concentration camp known for the death of 1 to 1.5 million people. Families were separated to go left or right. Children were killed before they had the chance to become grand and find their purpose. Now Auschwitz is  a museum for millions of tourists, a museum that anyone can visit with the well-known sign “work will set you free”. There has been some debate on whether this museum should stay open or close down. Some may say Auschwitz should stay open, that it is a place to learn, and if we let it disappear people will forget the history of the Holocaust. However, because it is a “theme Park '' for tourists and people that died there should be left at peace, Auschwitz should be taken over by nature so the dead can be laid to rest and not be disturbed by the tourists that aren't there to pay their respects. 

First of all, Auschwitz is a graveyard for millions of people; it should be left to rest for nature to take over. 75% of people were immediately killed at Auschwitz, says Wiesel, one of the survivors of the Auschwitz camp, in his trip to Auschwitz with Oprah. At Auschwitz, most of Wiesel's family were taken away from him and sent to the gas chambers. Given that 75% of people were immediately killed and others died in the conditions at Auschwitz, it is a gravesite for millions and we should allow nature to take it over so that the soils of the dead can be at peace. 

Auschwitz should be left to nature because not all of its original structure is still standing. 80 to 90% of the original structure is gone or in a state of ruin at Auschwitz, says Robert Jan van Pelt, a cultural historian. On top of the fact that not all of the original structure is standing Robert Jan van Pelt also says, “it’s a place that constantly needs rebuilding to remain a ruin for us.” The fact that not all of the original structure is standing and that they constantly need to rebuild the site makes Auschwitz a less authentic camp. Because not all of the original structure is standing and they have to constantly rebuild Auschwitz it should be left so that nature can take over.

As well, Auschwitz should be left to nature because of the disrespect from tourists that come to visit. Auschwitz is open to everyone and not all people fully respect the museum and all that had happened there. There have been crimes and vandalism, one of the larger crimes being the stealing of the Arbeit Macht sign to be sold to a collector, says Andrew Curry, a magazine writer on the Holocaust. Because there has been crime and vandalism at Auschwitz it should be left to nature so that it can not be bothered by vandalism and stealing.  

Now others may believe that Auschwitz should stay open as a museum. However, it is clear that Auschwitz should be taken over by mother nature. The people that believe Aushwitiz should stay open say that it is a place for all to go and learn about the Holocaust and see the site for themselves. But now Auschwitz is a “tourist destination”, people snapping pictures of the main gate sign, posing for pictures on the steps of the memorial, and overall showing disrespect to the dead and the events that have happened there showing that they do not want to learn about the past of the place. 

The Holocaust is an event that everyone has learned about in history class, but not all people realize the level of all that happened or respect it. Families being separated, babies being taken from mothers and killed, the living people at the camp being forced to work in terrible conditions, and being treated like they were nothing. All That has happened at Auschwitz is why nature should be allowed to take over so that the dead and events that have happened can be taken over with the place so that no one can disturb or dishonor it. This issue should be very important to everyone and not looked over because Auschwitz is a place of the past. We need to learn about the past and respect the dead. 

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