Argumentative Essay Example on Cursive Writing

📌Category: Education, Learning, Writing
📌Words: 283
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 June 2022

Have you ever taken printed or cursive writing a bit further into consideration? Above are two arguments, where argument one suggests that cursive writing isn't needed to be taught in schools anymore, whereas argument two proves and provide more evidence proofing that it should still be taught in schools.

Argument one is all about how technology has improved over time and that most of the world does not use cursive writing anymore. In this modern times businesses uses keyboards for almost all communications, from emails to lengthy and complex reports. 

Because of time that doesn't wait for anyone, they think that cursive writing will become an archaic decorative art, similar to calligraphy, or a study for specialists, such as those who research historical documents.

Passage two supports the prompt better because in 2012 there were reports by Hannover Researchers and where they stated the following: "Evidence-based research has shown that handwriting skills can: Increase brain activation Impact performance across all academic subjects Provide a foundation for higher-order skills Influence reading, writing, language, and critical thinking. 

Proponents of cursive writing argue that it is not yet obsolete. Grade school, and even college still require handwritten work in the classrooms, and although handwriting can include printing as well as cursive. Students with learning disabilities also benefit from cursive instruction. 

A 2012 Policy Update report by the National Association of State Boards of Education states, "Students with learning disabilities are more likely to need extra support to improve their handwriting, but improved handwriting can both help improve academic outcomes and help in fine motor skill development."

In conclusion, schools should teach cursive writing. Passage two supports the prompt way better than passage one. Teaching cursive writing can only benefit people who learn it and learn from it. Even if technology is improving cursive writing should still be taught as it is part of historical content.

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