Argumentative Essay on Global Warming and the Arctic Wolf Project

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 286
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Global warming is heating up the earth, rising sea levels, melting ice, disrupting climates, and causing unpredictable weather. I believe the cause of climate change is the greenhouse effect. The CO2 in the atmosphere traps the heat from the sun on earth. I believe climate change is gradual over time. I believe this because it has risen 1F since 1980. My criteria are if the temperatures in the Arctic return to average temperatures, the project would be a success. The constraint might be money, time, and humans buying into the possible solution.

Specialized behaviors impact the organism because the behaviors help animals live longer, and have their species live longer. My evidence is that my animal the Arctic wolf hunts in packs. My reasoning is that since Arctic wolves hunt in packs they can outnumber the prey. The Arctic wolf is impacted by global climate changes in a negative way. Arctic wolves are impacted by global warming. They are affected because the Arctic wolf habitat is melting. This is a problem because the environment is melting and the prey and space to build nests are melting. Additionally, muskoxen and caribou are affected, which is a problem for arctic wolves because it disrupts the food chain.

My idea is to encourage people to use electric cars. My criteria are if the temperatures in the arctic lower back to the average temperatures the project would be a success. The constraint might be money, time, and people buying into the possible solution.

I would recommend the Arctic Wolf project. I believe this because they said switching to electric cars will reduce CO2 emissions from gas cars by eliminating them together. This meets my criteria and constraints because it lowers the temperatures and is cheap. This is because electric cars have gotten cheaper and you can buy one for the price of a normal car.

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