Argumentative Essay Sample: Community College Should Be Free

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 573
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 March 2022

Education plays a significant role in our careers. Before, a high school degree was necessary for a well-paid job. Nowadays you must have at least a bachelor's degree. The problem is that high tuition fees stop many people from going to college or finishing it. One way to solve this has been under discussion in state government and Congress: make community college free. This is controversial. Some people think that free community college tuition will give more students the opportunity to work toward their college degrees. On the other hand, others say such a program is a waste of money. I believe that community college should be free to everybody because many families cannot afford it and this assistance would improve their lives and, in the end, create a greater society.      

Many students are facing difficulties toward getting higher education because of financial reasons. The tuition charges are so high that a student's family cannot afford them. Therefore, students own loans to cover their tuition fees but still could not afford them because according to the Potter article the tuition fees are increasing at a high rate every year, so they work several jobs to cover it. In addition, at the same time working several jobs is affecting their education because they are not giving much attention and time to their studies. For example, according to Potter, many students from his class, work several shifts at night, and when they come to class in the morning most of them fall asleep or some even stay absent, and that is putting a bad impact on their education. Community colleges are a good option for these students because according to the New Mexico article, the new government is eliminating community college tuition and making it free for everybody. Therefore, students are going to be more financially free and be able to concentrate more on their education rather than on paying tuition fees.  

If students can get a free college education, they would be able to obtain more financial freedom. When students are burdened with debt, all their focus goes into paying back the tuition and all the bills they gathered. Studies have shown that one reason that there are not as many people buying houses is that they cannot afford them. Student debt follows them for years after they graduate from college. The money they make from their job goes toward the loan that they owned when pursuing their degree and it becomes very difficult for them to start a family. Other studies have shown that with the need to get a higher-paid job they cannot take jobs that are more focused on improving the local community because their focus is on getting higher-paid jobs and giving back all the loan money they owned as soon as possible. According to the New Mexico article, students with higher degrees will improve society economically because more people will be educated and have more skills and knowledge. Therefore, free college tuition will not only benefit students financially after they graduate from college, but it will also improve the outcome for parents and families and will also make society greater.    

Nowadays higher education has become so demanding for a successful career. Many people haven't continued their education after graduating from high school because of the high tuition and that issue is rising in the congress and state government. People giving their opinion on the controversial topic of whether college needs to be free or not? Wherefrom my point of view college should be free because many parents cannot afford their child's education expenses due to financial issues. Making this opportunity will not only improve society but will also keep students financially sustainable.

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