Asian Popular Culture Essay Example

📌Category: Asia, Culture, World
📌Words: 907
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 26 January 2022

Asia forms a significant global economy, making it a huge part of the global community with which other countries and civilisations worldwide have formed meaningful ties. The Asian region consists of multiple countries that are quite consistent in terms of cultural practices (Fitzsimmons and Lent, 2013). I believe understanding the Asian culture is integral in developing a profound understanding of the mode of leadership and way of life within the Asian region from a historical perspective and how these aspects contribute to their relationship with the global community.

When I hear the word Asia, the first thing that comes to mind is martial arts. During my early years, I spent most of the time with other children in my neighbourhood watching Chinese and Japanese movies, most of which revolved around the “Kung Fu” martial arts technique (Fung, 2013). These movies though exaggerated, seemed to be an inspiration to children and adults alike. I have since believed that Asians are some of the best fighters in the world due to their mastery of self-defence techniques. The Asian movies formed the basis for which martial art classes have been launched in different countries and form a significant part of international tournaments which bring people together to showcase their proficiency in the skill.

Looking at the Asian culture at a greater depth, I find it quite conflicting with Western culture, especially in the way they uphold their traditional values. These cultural aspects form a significant part of their identity (Funnell and Kiuchi, 2016). One of the significant issues that I have noticed regarding the Asian culture is their religion. Initially, I believed that all Asians were Buddhists. This perception is drawn from the fact that most Asian movies, especially Chinese movies, include symbols of Buddhism, such as monks who are depicted as highly religious individuals with different types of powers that they channel through meditation. Contrary to this perception, Asia is one of the areas around the world that upholds religious diversity (Funnell and Kiuchi, 2016). Some of the major religions that form the Asian culture include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Folklore. In the Asian culture, religion is a symbol of faith that brings peace and hope to the troubled members of society.

I believe that Asian popular culture has become widespread in recent years and has received reception in different regions worldwide. The modernisation of the Asian popular culture has played an integral role in its propagation to various regions worldwide. Looking at the recent modernisation in Asian culture, young Asians who had previously held western cultural products in high regard can get drawn back to Asian products with which they find a better connection (Hosseini, 2010). Cultural interaction within the Asian region is also quite profound, with high regard to traditional cultural values. It is common to find young Koreans learning Japanese and vice versa with the prospect of joining the entertainment industry in either country and becoming a star.

Moving on, popular TV shows have also become a significant aspect of popular culture in Asia. Most of the Asian TV shows focus on the theme of love, which is valued highly globally and has attracted fans on a global scale. I believe the focus on romantic TV shows is a significant transition from what was believed to be the main theme of Asian TV shows in recent years (Hosseini, 2010). While the focus on martial arts in Asian movies mostly attracted boys and some men, their extension to the production of romantic TV shows attracts female fans, thereby increasing their entertainment coverage. This expansion and transition, I believe, have propagated Asian popular culture to a global extent. The viewers can learn more about the Asian culture for different countries within the region through the TV shows (Julia Hollingsworth, C., 2019). Some of the significant aspects of Asian culture that the audience can learn from their interaction with the TV shows include the historical context, clothing and costumes, food, and religion (Lim et al., 2015). I believe aspects of popular culture have played an integral role in enabling the global communities to develop a profound understanding of Asian culture.

I was quite fascinated with Asian art and literature despite its complex nature. I have not been able to have extensive interaction with Asian literature. However, one of the significant issues that I have been able to identify in Asian texts is the symbols they use to write their words. These symbols appear to be quite complex to foreigners, hence making the dialect in the region quite complex. Linguistic diversity is also a common aspect of Asian culture (Nadeau and Murray, 2018). Asian art is another integral part of their culture that different scholars have studied over the years. Most works of art in Asia include ancient artefacts, which are crucial as they explain Asian history. Art paintings are also a common part of popular culture in Asia. While most of the artwork is created for entertainment, such as the Anime paintings, other works of art communicate various messages that the Asian communities can easily understand (Nadeau and Murray, 2018). For instance, for a significant part of the mid-twentieth century, most Japanese paintings were themed around the WWII bombings and aimed to shed light on the atrocities of the Western world.

Reflecting on my understanding of Asia, I opine that the topic appears to be quite comprehensive and requires one to approach it differently. This understanding goes beyond the perception of Asia as a geographical location and focuses on the different cultural aspects that form its identity. Moreover, to develop a profound understanding of Asian culture, one should relate to Ancient Asia and modern Asia. This approach enables one to learn about the transition from the traditional cultural aspects to the modernised Asian culture and the different aspects of popular culture that have contributed to how the region is perceived worldwide. My understanding of Asia has significantly evolved to embody different cultural contexts.

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