At-Risk Youth in Santa Barbara County High Schools Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 770
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 08 June 2022

The increase of juveniles in our community has taken the inspiration out of the next generation. Immature and rebellious behavior is normal among teens but in recent years, I’ve noticed that it is more common in some areas than others. Back then, we lived in a society where schools did not care much about kids getting in trouble, grades, or bullying so when we think about the expectations of today’s youth, there is a huge difference. Though social and materialistic advancements weren’t made in schools until the 1900s, there were always kids who skipped school and would much rather do drugs, and to this day, that is still true, but I want to turn that around. Santa Barbara County high schools should do more to get at-risk youth back on track and motivated in school.

The juvenile arrest rate in Santa Barbara County is very high, and we must reduce it before our children's futures are jeopardized. A 2019 study by Santa Barbara County measured the juvenile felony arrest rate in ages 10-17. These findings are crucial when discussing the allocation of money in our county high schools. According to the studies, Santa Barbara County was ranked the 6th highest on that list in the entire state at 6.7 per 1,000. Teens may be arrested in the future if they engage in unlawful behavior due to a lack of interest in education, an absence of determination in life, peer pressure, or household issues. Seeing so many teens getting arrested for making irrational decisions is crushing.

The local educational community has to be more aware of the juvenile court high schools' graduation statistics. Our juvenile court high schools recently announced a graduation rate that was at an all-time low. The graduation rate was 21-39 percent when compared to the state average of 84 percent. The county needs to analyze these assessments and come up with a solution. They should devote more resources to at-risk youth since it can impact local schools’ scores and rates. Graduation is a significant step to bettering the prospects of a bright future for all children in general but especially teenagers that are detached from reality.

Since mental health is becoming a larger concern in our schools and my peers agree that school and familial relationships play a large role in how our behavior impacts our mood and our success in school, our board must recognize and re-evaluate the workload of the students. Due to the stress and strain of school, a student's mental health may be harmed, causing them to make poor decisions. The mental health and perspectives of teens are the most important factor to look at when making choices for the majority of scholars. 71 percent of students in Santa Barbara County say that schoolwork is the primary source of stress and 70 percent wish that schools taught more about mental health and coping mechanisms. This is a substantial number of students that are not receiving the education they deserve and feel that their voices are not heard.

While some argue that Santa Maria high schools currently have great financial resources and opportunities like free lunch, tutoring, and great equipment, we need to focus our time and money on programs that distract juveniles from bad influences and get them motivated to pick up a sport or instrument and follow their desired career path. In terms of community size, student attention, and free lunch eligibility, Santa Barbara County high schools rank in the top 20 percent. That being said, students should not only have ample financial and social resources but should also receive better mental and physical health guidance. In California, the rate of mental illnesses in ages 13-18 is 20 percent. So, while there are people who believe that defiant teens do not deserve the attention they receive, we cannot give up on them because it influences how our world will look like in 20 years and it is critical that individuals contribute to the preservation of health in future generations.

It is our county school’s responsibility to ensure that all children get the education they deserve and help them become enlightened by way of learning and leaving all bad habits behind. Everyone makes mistakes but when it comes to this, we cannot let these young adults keep following a dark path because arrests and trouble with the law can leave a mark on their record and affect their lives forever. Graduation marks the beginning of adulthood, and it is important that all teens can experience this to grow and learn from their errors, so our county needs to guarantee this for the youth by getting to know their students and helping them. Mental and physical health plays a huge role in students’ motivation and their ability to focus in school which our high schools need to acknowledge. The change will be difficult, but as long as our community is committed to it, we will make a difference and lead the future to success if we give them a chance.

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