Attendance Essay Sample

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 387
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Having bad attendance is one of the top reasons kids have to go to summer school, lose credit, or get held back a grade. This is from a law that was developed in 2015, the 90% rule. The 90% rule is where the student has to attend school 90% of the time in order to receive credit. Many kids and parents might not agree on its purpose, but there’s an excellent reason why attendance is important.

If students miss, they don’t get to participate in important events. You lose crucial academic time, that time is consumed by new materials that can be used in tests or quizzes in the future. When the student returns the following day, then they have to make up for yesterday’s assignments and do today’s. That is two days worth of work. This causes students to fall behind on their assignments and sink their grade. From a student perspective, missing one day leads you to want to miss more. To the point where I miss multiple days and don’t have a clue what we are learning when I get back. I fell back hard and had too many missing assignments for my own good. Eventually I caught them up, but it took hard work and dedication. To avoid this mishap, it’s best to save up your absent days for emergencies only.

Being to school on time is also a big factor. If a child is late, the instructor won’t stop and wait for them to arrive. They’ll start at the specified time with or without them. Not being there at the beginning of class causes great confusion on any assignments that are given and asking for help won’t be easy.

Students can lose socialization time. Socializing with others is salient for us, especially in the aftermath of quarantine. School is not just for learning but for being around others, having a good time socially. To have friends and make good relationships. When a student misses school, they aren’t able to get the daily serotonin we all need.

Sometimes the reason students miss is because of mental health issues. Faculty and friends can find ways to help and support the person who is struggling and encourage them to go to school. We, Southwest Preparatory are a team that helps others feel safe and comfortable in our school.

No matter how difficult it gets, let missing a school day be the last option. School days are incredibly important. Being present helps the school, children, teachers and parents alike.


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