Beasts of the Southern Wild Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 531
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 August 2022

Health disparities typically happen within the race, lower-income class, and comorbid conditions. Some of the health disparities that I recognized in this movie were the living conditions they were in. Wink and Hushpuppy stayed in two different homes right across from each other, when it was time for supper he would ring the bell and she would come running straight across to his house. Due to where they were living they did not have a great quality of care other than what the teacher would give them which was a type of herb that would help especially when wink fell ill. Wink would try his best to keep hushpuppies mind from wandering about the “dry land” he stated that the dry land was bad, their kids were not free, and that they were scared of water because they were on dry land. The two of them had no way of showering and it seemed as if they ate the same thing which was a whole chicken, sometimes crab, and shrimp.

Nevertheless, Wink was very ill and when help finally came he was uncomfortable considering he was moved from his comfort zone to somewhere that would benefit his health. The medical world is foreign to him being that he was not used to the quality of care as I stated above he was used to herbs and shrugging the pain away. However, now that he has the help he does not understand that medical treatment could make him comfortable in ways he’s never seen before. The hospital showed no examples, CLAS, for example, did not take the time out to tell Wink they were about to start treatment, secondly, the doctors did not take the time out to get his consent to move forward with the treatment. Moreover, wink acted out because he was trying to protect hushpuppy, he did not want her to see what he was going through let alone know that he was dying he stated “ his blood was eating at itself”. With that being said Wink tried to send his daughter away since he finally realized his health was starting to get the best of him and he could no longer care for her.

Moreover, in Hushpuppy’s eyes, her world was tumbling down like falling glaciers. Meanwhile, her world has its similarities and differences to what is going on now in the US such as Covid. The similarity would be when the storm happened and her dad did not evacuate as he should, life as she knew it had come to a pause, food was scarce, and what they call school had come to an end as well. This shows its similarities to COVID being that the US has warnings that this illness was coming and food was going to get low but little to no one took it seriously until it actually happened. When covid hit it hit us hard just like the storm did to hushpuppy and her “bathtub”. People started to panic because food and water were nowhere to be found and all of this could have been prevented if we heeded the warnings. The difference between the US and hushpuppies world is that covid seems like it is here to stay. Covid has not gone anywhere, what happened to hushpuppy was temporary, the only downfall to her situation is that she would have to relocate because what she calls home is no longer there.

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