Becoming a Lawyer Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Profession
đź“ŚWords: 283
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 15 June 2022

Firstly I would like to present what a lawyer does. A lawyer is a person whose profession is to defend his or her clients. Lawyers specialise in interpretation and application of law.  In today's world the need for lawyers is increasing due to the increase in daily disputes which need to be resolved fairly. Lawyers can represent or defend an individual or a company depending on what kind of lawyer they are.

Lawyers play a critical role in promoting social order by enforcing the law in a way that satisfies the fundamental requirements of justice. Whether it's family law, labour law, or defamation, certain people require highly specialised legal assistance, and specialist lawyers can provide that assistance, advice, and support.

A lawyer must be rigorous in their field of work. In this profession you must be well organised as he or she has to handle their clients' files. One of the most important skills is fluent verbal communication. The way a lawyer speaks and the words he uses to present his or her case can totally change the outcome of the case. People say lawyers are able to manipulate people with their words.

To become a lawyer, you can either take a 5 year LLB course as an undergraduate or pursue a different stream, but if you pursue a different stream you must take a 3 year LLB course during your postgraduate degree to become a lawyer. Before applying to a law school you need to take a test known as LSAT and your acceptance into a law school will depend on your results of this test. If you want to study law at a higher level, you must have one year of work experience in order to obtain a master's degree in law. Following the master's degree, you can pursue law and obtain a Phd.

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