Being a Student Athlete Is Difficult Persuasive Essay

đź“ŚCategory: Athletes, Education, Higher Education, Sports
đź“ŚWords: 721
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 13 April 2022

College is known for being difficult, and it is a challenge for everybody. Time management and getting assignments finished on time is one of the many struggles of being a student, but what if you add being an athlete into the mix? Student athletes are some of the most dedicated students there are because not only are they facing all the obstacles the average college student has, but they’re also tackling all the responsibilities of an athlete. Every student has their fair share of all-nighters or restless nights, but for some student athletes, it's a daily occurrence because it's the only way they can do schoolwork during the day owing to their busy schedules. Many student athletes have practices early in the mornings, before the ordinary student has even gotten out of bed. These early practices are a major contributor to the tiredness that so many student-athletes experience.

Student athletes are also faced with increased strain and stress. As a student-athlete, the days begin to slip away from you, and your chances of having a social life become limited to none. "Being a student-athlete is challenging because you have to juggle practice schedules and traveling for games with classes," Carlin said. "Most of us have scholarship responsibilities, so we can’t afford to fall behind in our school work (SLU, 2019). ”The NCAA's Division I colleges, including Ohio, commonly require athletes to have an adviser in their major field of study --typically someone who works in an academic department. In addition, an athlete often has an academic counselor and other staff members who work with that person to make sure that he or she remains eligible under the NCAA's benchmarks for grade-point average and credits earned. Your team soon becomes your only source of social life between studying, class, practices, and games. This means that you may need a break from your team at some point, even if the social bond will often strengthen the team's bond and chemistry” (TCHE, 2018). “Athletes, like all students, must complete their studies, but unlike regular students, they must maintain a particular GPA” (Echo,2019). Some could argue that this is a good deal in exchange for a sports scholarship, but only those who have never been a student athlete would; it is far from easy. It's stressful for everyone, but it's more difficult for athletes who must juggle coursework with mandatory workouts and games. All these demands may appear to be unachievable and overwhelming. Due to their busy schedules and sporting obligations, student athletes frequently lose out on some of the best aspects of the college experience. They don't have the time or energy to spend time with friends or attend school events because their days are so hectic. 

For an athlete, downtime is either exceedingly rare or nonexistent, and you always have to make sure that your social media doesn't get you in any trouble. They have a strong feeling of community among their teammates but owing to the rigors of their practice and school schedules, they sometimes lose out on other opportunities outside of their teams. Student-athletes must also be more aware of the internet and social media in order to avoid setting a negative example for themselves and the university. Athletes must be cautious about what they publish since it could be used against them. Some people might think it's great to be able to skip lessons because it's one less thing to worry about during the day. Every missed class is one less day of learning for an athlete, and it's likely that the student-athlete could forget something vital for a forthcoming test or will fail the test entirely and have to retake it.  “I sit in the front row so that my teachers know I’m attending class. I tell them on day one that I may have to miss class, but I will do what it takes to make up for missed work,” Carlin said. “I want them to know the reason why I’m absent if I miss class” (SLU, 2019). Due to games and travel, student-athletes usually miss one to two days of class.

Although this may not appear to be a large number, being a student athlete is clearly no easy task, and it demands a great deal of commitment and hard effort that should not be overlooked. Being a student-athlete, in my opinion, is difficult and demanding at times, and it has an impact on the way I work, live, and play. It is not for everyone, but those who can do it have tremendous courage and dedication. It takes a lot of effort, but the enthusiasm and love for the sport makes it all worthwhile.

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