Beowulf Character Analysis Essay

📌Category: Beowulf, Poems
📌Words: 405
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 January 2022

Beowulf is the typical hero that is evident in many other “folks”. This clear, bright-hearted heroism, along with a large hint of narcissism and this desire for recognition. He incorporates an authoritative sense of conviction, as far as having little to no regard for his safety to present this image and support his selfish motives simultaneously fitting many heroic requirements the majority that of his time valued so heavily. A well-spoken, Brave, courageous leader who’s attained incredible feats of un-real human capabilities and a descendant of kings. As stated in the text, “I drove five great giants into chains, chased All of that race from the earth “, “hunting monsters...”, and “killing them one

By one” (246-251). The text indirectly illustrates beowulf’s eagerness to boast and express one’s achievements to set a level of dominance amongst the people. In lines 202-205, the text states “I believe your words, I trust in Your friendship,” and “my men will guard your ship.”  The text is indicating that Beowulf holds this charm and overpowering presence not necessarily to the degree of intimidation but more so in valor, that men who he had never come in contact with until then off their defense and trust within someone who appears to be a stranger with this heroic stature. When positioned in a challenging circumstance that serves as a trial for true the character’s true intentions, it is evident that his image is a concern to him at all times. The text states that “she ripped And tore and clawed at him, bit holes in his helmet, And that too failed him,” also “But Beowulf

Longed only for fame, leaped back Into battle - He tossed his sword aside, Angry”. The statement explained that Beowulf’s purpose in continuing the fight the mother of Grendel was directly for fame and the mere fact of knowing his reputation that he holds so valuably was in jeopardy of being tainted only ignited his determination and contributed to his egocentric mentality. Though very self-driven, Beowulf played his part as a leader, to protect, and serve the ones who follow. This outlook was also present in many of his many “worshipers” treated as if he were a lord and maintaining this loyalty even after death which Beowulf soon achieved. With all things considered, Beowulf is seen to be a perfect fit for a modern-day hero, with unmatched qualities that significantly stand out making him incomparable to in simpler terms the “commoners”. Even though Beowulf possesses undesired traits, either way, shape, or form, his immortalization is inevitable and the fate in epics always leads to the benefit of the “Epic Hero”.

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