Buried Child Play Analysis

đź“ŚCategory: Plays
đź“ŚWords: 1413
đź“ŚPages: 6
đź“ŚPublished: 15 January 2022


In this essay I will explore the play “Buried child” in the hopes of understanding my chosen character, Tilden, in more depth.

Analysing “Buried Child” from Tildens point of view

Throughout the entirety of “Buried Child”, Tilden is only seen within a single room of an aging farmhouse in Illinois, America. However, throughout the play Tilden leaves the farmhouse to collect crops from the, supposedly barren, field outside. Tilden is from the past as the events depicted within the play take place on a rainy day during a trying economic period in the 1970s, in what we can assume is either late spring or early to middle summer. It is revealed, before the events of the play, that Tilden ran into some unspecified trouble when he was living in New Mexico and because of this “trouble'' he was forced to flee. It was also revealed that Tilden was unable to support himself when living away from the farm and due to this he returned to the farmhouse, owned by his parents, as a means to receive “support” . This is curious as Tilden is a man in his late 40’s, he is expected to provide for himself and is mocked for still relying on his parents. The reasoning for Tilden’s inability to look after himself is made clearer, as indications of his poor mental state are made more apparent throughout the play. We are unclear if the unwellness, with regards to Tilden’s mental state, was there from his birth, or if it was developed throughout his life. Tilden behaviour in “Buried Child” is complex he is, almost infantile due to his mental illness, subdued from the constant bullying of his family, restless constantly seeking something in the fields outside his home, confused unable to remember his own son and grief struck as he mourns the loss of his baby.

The main conflict in “Buried Child” is established in the past before the events of the production take place. It surrounds the murder of a baby who is heavily suggested to be the result of an incestous relationship that occurred between Tilden and his mother, Halie. The reason for the conflict is a matter of Tilden and his father’s, Dodge,  opposed perceptions of the baby. Tilden adored the baby which upset Dodge because he saw the infant as an abomination.

It’s my understanding that lack of belief in and the rejection of American ideals is the most apparent theme found within “Buried Child”. I come to this conclusion after analysing  Tilden and his deceased brother, Ansel, as symbols of the perceptions towards American Ideals. To illustrate my point Tilden was seen to have a lot of potential in his earlier life yet now he finds himself, inept, unable to care for himself without hope of doing anything meaningful with his life, this symbolises the reality of the American life as well as people's perception of it, gleaming with potential yet realistically it is undesirable. Then Ansel is viewed as a potentially great man who died before he had the chance to do anything worthwhile with his life. This is how people came to view the American Dream,  the potential greatness unattainable due to the death of the ideal.

Tilden’s losing his sense of adventure is his main conflict throughout the story. In “Buried Child” Tilden explains that following the death of his baby he no longer felt the need to adventure. He lost all motivation, all reason to do anything. It's probably why he moved back home, because when he was on his own Tilden couldn’t find the effort to look after himself. Tilden was consumed entirely by his missing baby.

Due to Tilden’s poor mental state, it is difficult to piece together what his intentions were. However, by studying the script it has become my understanding that Tilden’s main objective was to find his baby, as a means to feel at peace with himself. He adored the baby so when Dodge killed and buried it somewhere hidden, it shattered Tilden. Tildens only hope for closure was to find his baby again.

The murder of and inability to find his baby was what challenged Tilden’s main objective of  feeling at peace. These difficulties Tilden experienced in achieving his objective were ultimately caused by his father. Doge is the one who resented Tilden’s adoration of the newborn enough to kill the infant. Doge is the one who hid the baby from Tilden, preventing closure. 

In the scene Tilden attempts to shuck and collect corn from the field outside of the farmhouse as a means to prove to his family that he has value, that he isn’t a complete failure, a waste. This is seen when he dumps the corn he collected on his father as well as shucks the corn next to his dad instead of in private.

In this scene the obstacles Tilden faces in achieving what he wants are presented by his parents. They still think of him as a failure. When he brings the corn, they believe he stole the crops, Halie insults him saying that she had high hopes for him, before he became so much trouble.

I overcome these obstacles by playing into Tilden’s poor mental state. I perform as if I’m incredibly disillusioned and detached from reality, believing sincerely that husking corn and collecting the crops from outside will show that I have value, that I’m not a complete failure.

5 Point Exercise

Point 1. What my character does during scene

In this scene, Tilden opens a door and walks into the living room within the farmhouse after being called repeatedly by Dodge. Tilden is carrying ears of corn between his arms. Tilden tiringly explains to Dodge where he found the corn. Tilden dumps all the corn into Dodge lap after being told to return the corn to where it belongs. Tilden explains to Dodge that he’s not in trouble. Tilden asks if he can sit on Dodge’s milking stool. Tilden leaves and returns with the milking stool and a pale. Tilden sits on the stool and begins shucking corn. Placing the ears in the pale. Tilden asks if he can Drink some of Dodge’s whiskey. Tilden ignores his mother’s calls to him. Tilden restlessly shucks corn. Tilden denies stealing corn.

Point 2. What does my character know at the start of scene

Tilden knows that the baby Dodge killed and buried belonged to him. Tilden knows that there are crops outside the farmhouse. Tilden knows the farm belongs to his parents. Tilden knows what happened in New Mexico. Tilden knows that Dodge is his Dad. Tilden knows that Halie is his mom. Tilden knows that Bradley is his brother. Tilden knows that Ansel was his brother. Tilden knows Ansel died. Tilden knows that he had a sexual relationship with Halie. Tilden knows he got his mother pregnant. Tilden knows that Halie kept the baby. Tilden knows that he didn’t steal any corn. Tilden knows that his father hides liquor. Tilden knows how to drive. Tilden knows how to collect crops.

Point 3. What is my character’s agenda at the start of the scene 

Tildens agenda in the scene is assumed to be that he’s husking the corn he collected from the field outside the farmhouse. Tilden’s real agenda is that he is trying to show his parents that he's not a failure, that he’s not worthless and the way he tries to do this is by collecting and shucking the corn he found outside. By doing what he presumes is helping the family he can demonstrate that he is still valuable. He hoped to win Halie and Dodge’s affections back by doing what he thought was a good thing.

4. What is my character’s need at the start of the scene

At the beginning of the scene Tilden needs to feel at peace, he is so incredibly burnt out from everything that’s happened to him in his life. He feels incompetent from not living up to his mother’s hopes of him, he feels inadequate from not being able to live without relying on his parents, he feels unfulfilled after losing his baby and he feels tense from the trouble that occurred in New Mexico. Tilden is haunted by his past, his inadequacy and this causes him a great deal of pain in  his life. The only way for Tilden to move forward from this pain is by finding peace. He can’t find this peace because he lacks closure, being unable to find his baby’s remains strips him of any closure.

5. What is the ‘as if’ for this need

I can understand Tilden’s need for peace, I share similar worries of inadequacy and incompetence but I don’t believe I fully share his pain. To share his pain it would be as if I lost my own child, I would be haunted by my mistakes and the choices I could have made. I would live my life without any hope or reason to carry on. The pain of losing something so precious to me would be unbearable, there would be no sane way for me to continue after that, I would honestly give up.

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