Caffeine Consumption Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Health
📌Words: 547
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 June 2022

If adults ingest mass quantities of coffee daily and sometimes multiple times a day, and they obtain a boost from it, maybe teens ought to receive some as well? Consuming caffeinated drinks generates alertness but it also causes numerous problems like the body jitter and lack of sleep. Even so, coffee provides many beneficial antioxidants and nutrients. Subsequently, while some studies state that consuming caffeinated products results in caffeine addictions and/or sleep deprivation in teens, more recent research proved that adolescents become more alert when consuming moderate amounts of caffeine, and the ground down beans include antioxidants to fight certain diseases.

Certain events can transpire after drinking espressos or other similar products, such as sleep deprivation. Consuming caffeinated beverages causes zero lack of sleep as long as it is consumed in moderation and it also depends on the age of the person. “... pure coffee and tea, have been shown to have some health benefits.” A study from the University of Michigan states that even forms of pure coffee and tea provides the body with some minor health effects, positive, not negative. In addition, majority other tests disprove the theory of sleep loss. Another problem that arises with drinking caffeinated products is developing a caffeine addiction. As would say, “Caffeine can make it hard to sleep.” While this may be believed but again, the amount of coffee gobbled down greatly contributes to acquiring an addiction. All in all, numerous studies prove that caffeine consumption in teens aged around 11-17 actually benefits the bodily functions in supporting the immune system.

Plenty of trusted articles, published by famous publishers, demonstrate that limitations of coffee actually help the body by providing many antioxidants and creating a sense of alertness. A professional doctor working with Johns Hopkins posted that even children around the ages of 5 can also benefit from drinking caffeinated in the form of gaining antioxidants against diseases. “Coffee can be given to children from any age starting at 4 - 6 at 45 mg of caffeine. Coffee can also help protect against some diseases as coffee beans contain certain antioxidants.” (Ellen McVay, John Hopkins Medicine) Even experts confirm that low amounts of caffeine throughout childhood helps the body. Another benefit of consuming coffee is that an adolescent would become much more alert, and focused. Since dirty bean water stimulates the brain to, in a way, ignore any signs of tiredness. “Caffeine is a stimulant that increases alertness” came from an interview with a doctor coming from John Hopkins Hospital, this doctor explains that a little java does actually increase alertness, later saying that people can develop an immunity against caffeine which decreases the risk of getting the negative health effects. Overall resulting in better productivity either in school or personal life. These benefits were researched the most, and plenty of other studies that reinforce the theory about if caffeine is an addictive drug or a healthy aid.

To sum it all up, drinking caffeinated drinks has proven to cause problems such as stomach issues and anxiety, however, the effects of building a stronger immune system and being more alert is far greater than having slight minor stomach pains. Children of almost all ages should intake a small bit of caffeine in order to support their immune system and boost their natural defense against disease. More parents should learn this information for the sake of themselves and their children. Finally, even with all of the positive and negative effects of caffeine, adolescents should create their own choices whether or not to knock back some coffee or energy drinks.

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