Career as a Nurse Midwife Essay Sample

📌Category: Business, Career, Health, Nursing
📌Words: 687
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 September 2022

I am currently a first-year student in both high school and college. I plan to pursue a career as a Nurse Midwife. Throughout my life I have been asked what career path I plan to choose. But I never had the answer, only options. My options slimed down in middle school when I realized I wanted to become a nurse. Not sure which type of nurse until I did research on all the differences, specifically on the ones that interested me the most. This career interested me the most because I always wanted a job in the medical field that could help people, but not actually have to be a doctor.  

The 2020 median pay of a certified nurse midwife was $111,130 nationwide. This job is predicted to grow 45% through 2030. This industry will continue to grow because the demand of health care providers is increasing. Statewide in Texas, nurse midwives make $69,650 on entry level while. If I continue to stay close to home the amount is $74,910 in areas like Houston, The Woodlands, and Sugarland. Nurse midwives do many similar jobs that a nurse practitioner would do. My main jobs would be to provide care to women before, during, and after pregnancy. I will sometimes assist doctors during birth, take important exams and have important discussions with women and their families. To become a nurse midwife, you need a minimum of a bachelor's degree in Nursing, many certifications, and licenses, along with experience. To become certified (CNMs) you will need a master's degree in nursing. Most qualifications that are needed must deal with your social skills. Communication, critical thinking, interpersonal, and leadership skills are the most important. Out of those four skills I would say my best two are interpersonal and leadership skills. Interpersonal skills include the ability to adapt, negotiate, resolve conflict, and be self-aware. 

From taking the Texas Reality Check quiz, I need to make $69,555 annually to live the lifestyle I have chosen. I picked a two-bedroom apartment with basic needs like water, gas, electricity, and internet. Health insurance that includes vision and dental coverage. And basic wants like a pet. I also chose to save 5% of my income each month. I will make enough to live the lifestyle I want but since the entry level statewide and the amount I need to make are close, I know I will need to cut back on many wants. 

If I do not stay in Houston two other cities that I would love to live in for the beautiful city and attractions are Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia. In Atlanta I would need to make $74,843 annually and in Miami, $84,748. In Georgia, groceries are 15% more, 19% more for housing, 8% more for transportation and health care and 23% less for utilities. While in Florida it would be 27% more for groceries,66% more for housing, 13% more for transportation, 9% more for health care and 10% less for utilities. It would not be such a smart decision to move to one of these locations not just from the cost of living but for the demand of nurses. It is not as high as it is in Texas. 

I will become a nurse midwife before the year 2030. I want my master's degree in nursing, so I should be in school for an additional five to six years after I graduate high school. It is easier and quicker to get this job if you have experience. So, while I'm in college, I will get a job as a medical sonographer to gain experience. You only need an associate degree, and I will hopefully have one when I graduate high school because of the dual credit classes I am currently taking. On this journey I will continue to work on my personal feelings including improving or earning important skills. Asking questions from people who already have a lot of knowledge about this career. And last, stay on top of my assignments throughout school and work because it is easy to procrastinate and get backed up. I will come across many difficult obstacles like stress or lack of motivation. Simply breaking down all my work into sections, getting a planner, or using a time management chart: urgent, not urgent, important, not important can help get over these obstacles. After all my schooling is over, I will finally have my dream job and start to live the lifestyle I want.

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