Cats vs. Dogs Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Pets
📌Words: 640
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 12 April 2022

Did you know Sixty seven percent of Americans own pets? Most of America’s animal lovers have a preference to which pet to own, we are talking about cats and dogs. Choosing between getting a cat or dog can be a tough decision. Most important is to consider the animals' personalities and how it fits into a family's daily life. It is a debate that may never get settled. Here is the tea on the cat vs. Dog dilemma. Which is the best pet? 

Dogs are incredibly fun and loving creatures. Canines are highly active and always want you to get up and go for walks or jogs thus making you feel less alone. Dogs become very protective, and many people use them for security reasons, for example the police force . Studies exploring the effects of dogs on seniors found positive results. One study found that “pet therapy improves the cognitive function of residents with mental illness long term care.” Dogs are known to detect things like cancer and have been known to catch things that are wrong with people before any human can, even pregnancy! 

There are also many downsides to owning a dog like their hyperactive behavior, many people may not be able to handle taking them outside or having that active lifestyle. You also must train dogs whether it be going to the bathroom outside or a simple command like sit. Dogs also need brain stimulation which means keeping your dog's brain active, or they might become violent or pesty. One example of this could be the pit bull, they have a bad stigma that surrounds them that they are all violent but this “violence” is caused by no training and poor care. Grooming is a big part of taking care of dogs and they must be groomed often depending on their breed. Grooming can be expensive so watch out if you are low on money! If you have a smaller dog you must brush their teeth because they get Plack buildup since they cannot chew on bones as much, which may take up a lot of time. All of these factors make it hard to own a dog. 

So, what are the positives of owning a cat? Cats require less attention than any animal, they are very independent and do not require attention or training. Cats do not need things like bones or dental treats. These fluffy felines can also lower the risk of stroke by 30%, Some Cats are also incredibly quiet creatures and love to cuddle. Did you know cuddling an animal can also help reduce anxiety and depression? a cat's brain is more biologically similar to a human's brain, so that means they have some of the same emotions as us! Cats also can hunt and get rid of any unwanted pest. 

What are some downsides to owning cats? Well just like dog's cats can be active at times so they need things like scratching post or else they will scratch up your furniture and walls. Since cats are so independent, they are not very loving creatures. Cleaning with a cat may be exceedingly difficult because of the litter box, which must be emptied daily and if you do not have the time to do this it can be Difficult and nasty. Most people have a lot of allergies towards cats because of how much they shed, and the dander from their coat. This also means you cannot wear black clothing because cat hair would be all over you. Cats also are not fond of other animals and tend to be mean around dogs, so say goodbye to your other big fluffy canines if you are planning to get a kitty. 

In conclusion all dogs and cats can be great pets it just depends on how willing you are to take care of them. Every animal has its own personality and quirk and if you really want a pet, you must do your research and see which pet is best for you! Cats and Dogs are not so different, but they do have defining things that can change your mind about owning them.

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