Children's Bullying in School Essay Example

📌Category: Bullying, Education, School, Social Issues
📌Words: 250
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 31 August 2022

The harassment among children in schools becomes an essential issue that has to be taken into account by teachers. This essay will discuss the main causes and suggest solutions to solve this problem.

The two main causes of bullying are physical appearances and family backgrounds. Being a chubby boy or girl, disability and being someone who cannot pronounce words correctly are enough reasons to make a serious persecution. Moreover, sexual diversity is a root of that case as well. The another main cause is family matters such as whether the family is broken or not, whether one of the family members has criminal profile or not and so on. Some bully boys make an abuse based on these things.

Not only teachers but also parents need to take responsibility to deal with school bullies. Firstly, parents have to be knowledgeable about body shaming. They can guide their children not to be the ones who are addicted to in bully-boy tactics then and manage their children's misbehaviours. On the other hand, some disciplines to take control of physical or verbal abuses have to be established strictly by the authorities of schools. In addition, some kinds of punishments can be useful to enforce the children to behave well like cleaning the classroom, making apologies in front of the class and so on. For the worst situations, parents have to be informed about their children's bad behaviours and discuss to suspend or expel.

In conclusion, these are the most common causes which lead children to make an unacceptable bullying. Hence, both teachers and parents need to take their own responsibilities to solve this problem.

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