China’s New Restrictions on Private Tutoring Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 447
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 August 2022

They say a shadow is inseparable from light. Private tutoring, a shadow of general education, has grown well and above the light. China, with new regulations, aims to put a stop to its influence on students' life.

A student is also a daughter/son, friend, and grandchild and has many roles and duties to fulfill. The ban on private tutoring on weekends and holidays will help students live a life outside of school. Normally for middle-class or lower-class students, parents spending a large amount on education causes the stress of having to do well. The stress may result in bad performance or affect health. Considering this, private tutoring, being banned from raising money, is a relief to students. In addition, parents can spend more money on other needs. A healthy person with a quality life will be the outcome if the regulations work.

The aimed results are a shorter gap between rich and poor and students and parents at ease. However, in actuality, these are not possible. Instead of reducing financial pressure, the new regulations might increase them. Emotions, thoughts, and beliefs direct human behavior. Since China considers education prestigious, every parent wants their child to be at the top and is willing to do anything under their capabilities. Spending money on educational aids like private tutoring is an example. As the competition to be at the top is so intense, parents are anxious about their child’s future and have little expectation on general education to keep their child at the top. Private tutoring was the parents’ solution to this. For that reason, new regulations will only cause more anxiety for parents. If you put a rich parent and a poor parent in this situation, the rich will arrange individual tutoring for the child by paying more than what is paid now, and the poor will be left behind, as they do not have the means for that. This only widens the gap between rich and poor in education. 

From a psychological perspective, the reason for parents’ anxiety has to be resolved first, before attacking institutions. Increasing opportunities for students, ensuring quality education, addressing the ‘too much focus on learning subjects’ etc. could be of help. Solving the issue of the meager wage would prevent teachers from giving private tutoring and corruption from happening along that path. 

Giving children opportunities to go for after-school classes if they wish to learn more is important. But considering the impact of shadow education– increased gap between rich and poor in education, the quality of general education being questioned, parents spending all the money on education, the stress of the students, and the effect on the quality of life–I believe it is required that the educational authorities have some control over it

Shadow education is simply the exploitation of parents by institutions. The ban alone would not give maximum results. Attempts at related factors, like ways to reduce parents’ anxiety, are also required.

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