Churchill's "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" Speech Analysis (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Speech
📌Words: 436
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 October 2022

Amidst a global war threatening the human rights of many people, Winston Churchhill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, rose through the plume of smoke that was Hitler with his victorious election and sought to rid the world of the terrors of Nazi Germany. Renowned and remembered for his great resilience, courage, bravery and oral skills, he permeated the feelings of British sorrow and brought upon his qualities to the country, by utilizing his gift of speech. In 1940, Churchill addressed the UK Parliament through a powerful and impacting address, known as “Blood, Toil, Sweat, and Tears.” Opening with formal remarks and reports, the speech becomes more dramatic as each line is read.  Churchill speaks of the grave position the world is in, and the stance that he and the country must take. In paragraph 7, he denounces and condemns Hitler, telling of his grievances, and proclaiming that all countries must unite together to combat the evil of Hitler's actions. The word "monstrous" shows the severity of Hitler's actions towards the many different groups affected and his disruption of European peace. His actions would affect statistics for decades to come, showing an extremely declined Jewish populace, and inspiring feelings and thoughts of hatred toward minority groups that would come to be picked up by the ignorant and close minded, influencing cultural factors and harmful stereotypes for years to come.  This strong word choice also reflects his character and makes Hitler larger than life. Subsequently, it shapes him as a total evil enemy of both humanity and history. However, Churchill’s speech wasn’t just about the evils of Hitler, but also the long path ahead that awaited those wishing to see him and his regime fall. In paragraph 8, Churchill’s dramatics reach an apex with the statement, “for without victory there is no survival.” This grave statement shows that it is imperative that they must win the war for if they don't, they will all be ruined. The words "victory" and "survival" bring about existential ideas that large swathes of people can unite behind. It proposes an ultimatum, suggesting that victory and survival are the only possible path forward. It seems to say, without victory, good will be destroyed and the way of life as we know it will cease to exist.  Churchill's dramatic use of language inspires great feelings in the heart of all that hear it, especially as one of the main points of his closing statement. Historically, the outcomes of wars and the actions taken within them shape the future, however, Winston Churchill’s speech refashions this narrative. The words uttered by him affected the British, and in extension, the global attitude toward the hope and efforts of combating Hitler and winning the war. His words serve as an instrument of inspiration and influence for hard workers to this day.

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