Climate Change Essay Example

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 508
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 February 2022

Is climate change real or is it a myth? Climate change is already impacting our everyday lives. Heat is one of the most deadly phenomena.  Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. When the oceans temperature rises, hurricanes are getting bigger and stronger which is causing more deaths each year. Climate change is a real problem and humans are one of the main causes of this global problem. In conclusion we need to take immediate action to stop using fossil fuels, non clean energy, and taking our world for granted. 

First, one controversy for climate change is that if climate change is a real thing. According to William Chandler ¨Scientists now are highly confident—more than 90 percent certain—that the change we have seen is real anthropogenic, here to stay, and growing worse. We know this because, since it was founded in 1988, there have been four sweeping assessments of climate science, impacts, and emissions mitigation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ¨(2). This quote by William Chandler shows scientific evidence that climate change is a real problem. The quote states how climate change is here to stay and growing more severe. Also it gives evidence from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Another quote from William Chandler is “It is not that simple. China already suffers from air and water pollution crises that kill tens of thousands of its citizens each year. India is unable to supply adequate electric power to several hundred million of its people, and they suffer the attendant drudgery and ill health. Who can blame the governments of these and other developing countries for pointing out that the per-capita greenhouse gas emissions of their populations are one-fifth that of Americans and saying, You created this problem, you do something about it.”(3) This quote shows the effect of climate change if left unchecked. It supports this claim by showing how different countries are dealing with the phenomena that is climate change. In conclusion, there is plenty of evidence supporting the existence of climate change.

Knowing that climate change is a real problem, now we can stop it from getting worse. According to Christopher Barnard he would use nuclear power because “Nuclear is fully carbon-free and therefore a "clean" energy source in carbon terms. This is crucial considering the primary villain of climate change is CO2; switching to nuclear would directly cut out carbon emissions and thus represent a significant step forward, except for the construction phase (which would create a one-off nominal carbon debt about equal to that of solar farms).”(2) This quote shows how nuclear power can reduce the constant use of CO2 emissions in the air. Reducing the CO2 emissions will slow down climate change. Another way to diminish climate change according to John Abraham “In a terrible twist of fate, the warming we have caused in the past has resulted in a more stable ocean, and that will increase future warming – a feedback loop that keeps getting stronger.” This quote shows how more stable oceans are contributing to climate change. Also this quote shows another problem that we have caused to benefit the effects of climate change. Climate change has a weakness. All we have to do is act on these problems before it is too late.

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