Comparative Essay On Homo Erectus And Homo Habilis

đź“ŚCategory: Archeology, Biology, History, Science
đź“ŚWords: 524
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 14 April 2021

I think Homo Erectus is more advanced than Homo Habilis because of their geography, discoveries, and innovations. For example, one reason Homo Erectus is more advanced than Homo Habilis is the discovery of fire. Another reason why I think Homo Erectus is more advanced than Homo Habilis is because even though Homo Habilis were able to make the first stone tools ever, Homo Erectus was able to make stuff like stone handaxes and cleavers. Also, geography impacted their development because there are lots of materials in all Africas except western and East Asia.

The Homo Erectus lived between about 1.89 million and 110,000 years ago. They were almost as tall as modern-day humans and also they stood upright hence the name “upright man”. Because of their elongated legs and shortened arms, Homo Erectus lost the ability to climb trees. The Homo Erectus was able to stand upright and they also had larger brains than Homo Habilis so they ate meat to replenish their energy.

One way I think  Homo Erectus is more advanced than Homo Habilis is because they discovered fire and how to use it. For example, text A states “The earliest evidence of hearths (campfires) occur during the time range of Homo erectus.” This quote matters because it shows how Homo Erectus would have discovered fire. Also, Homo Erectus learned how to use fire to cook food, get warm, and scare away predators. For example, the text states “While we have evidence that hearths were used for cooking (and probably sharing) food, they are likely to have been places for social interaction, and also used for warmth and to keep away large predators.” This quote is important because it shows what things Homo Erectus used for

Another way I think Homo Erectus is more advanced than Homo Habilis is because even though Homo Habilis made the first stone tools, Homo Erectus was able to make stone innovations by inventing stone handaxes and cleavers. For example, text B states “this species was thought to represent the first maker of stone tools.” This quote matters because it explains that Homo Habilis could have been the first hominid to make stone tools. Also in text A, it states “it consisted of the creation of large cutting tools like handaxes and cleavers.” This quote matters because it tells that even though they did not make the first stone tools they made much better stone tools like handaxes and cleavers which are very useful tools.

I think geography is important to the evolution of Homo Erectus because Homo Erectus were found in Africa and East Asia. For example, Text A states “Where Lived: Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa; Western Asia (Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia); East Asia (China and Indonesia)” It’s a good thing they lived there because Africa and East Asia was very resourceful a couple million years ago (I searched up the images). Since the places have so many trees or mountains and other kinds of things it has a lot of resources to make tools and fire and many other kinds of stuff.

In conclusion, this is why I think Homo Erectus is much more advanced than Homo Habilis. Homo Erectus is much better in tool making. Also, Homo Erectus found a way to make fire. Geography is important to Homo Erectus because without the materials in Africa or East Asia they wouldn’t be able to make tools or fires.


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