Compare and Contrast: Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark (Essay Example)

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 334
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 October 2022

These two fictional heroes captured the hearts of many viewers. Why so? Because they’re humans, with no form of superpowers but somehow manage to save the world through their intelligence and bravery. Tragic events that occur in their lives, shape them to become who they are Making their mission to make the world a better place. Both heroes that are from different cinematic universes are very similar to each other, but they also differ from each other.

Bruce Wayne is a wealthy American playboy, philanthropist, and industrialist (Wiki). While Anthony Edward Stark is a wealthy business magnate, playboy, philanthropist, investor, and ingenious scientist (Wiki). They both have similar occupations. Tony and Bruce inherited their fathers’ companies at an early age due to a tragedy. At the age of eight, Bruce and his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne were walking home from the movies when he witnessed his parents’ murder. That night, promising revenge on criminals, eventually this vendetta was softened by the ideal of justice. He trains himself physically and intellectually into becoming Batman. 

On the other hand, Tony Stark lost his parents at the age of 19 after a car accident. Even though, he lost his parents he never become Ironman right away unlike Batman. Tony went on a business trip to Afghanistan to demonstrate a new missile and was afterward ambushed by a terrorist group. He was seriously injured by one of his missiles and later was captured and imprisoned by the terrorists. A fellow captive doctor implanted an electromagnet into his chest to keep the shrapnel from reaching his heart and killing him (Wiki). Tony and the doctor that helped him, Yisen planned to create a “prototype suit of powered armor” to escape. With their suits almost to completion. The terrorist group discovered their intentions and attacked them. 

Eventually, Tony fought his way out and found Yisen dying, he then burned the terrorists’ weapons in anger and fly away in the desert, and was later rescued by his best friend, Rhodes. With that experience, Tony removed all manufacturing weapons from being made by his company. He went on making a new suit with more advanced technologies. He succeeded, making himself Ironman.

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