Compare And Contrast Essay on Brutus And Antony Speech

đź“ŚCategory: History, Roman Empire, Speech
đź“ŚWords: 452
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 07 August 2022

Both speeches are alike and different in so many ways. Brutus in his speech at Caesar’s funeral is trying to justify the brutal murder of their general and ruler Caesar. Mark Atony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral is trying to turn the people against Brutus and all of the other senate members. They both use many tactics to try to get the people on their side, some alike and some different. Brutus used a confident and direct tone to make the people believe him and make sure Mark Antony can't turn the people against them. Mark Atony used a sarcastic and sympathetic tone to sway the people of Rome against Brutus and all the senators who murdered Caesar.

Brutus’s speech is a lot different from Antony's speech at Caesar's funeral. Brutus in his speech tries to make the people of Rome believe that their murder of Caesar was ok and that it was for a good reason. Brutus' purpose is to solicit the people into believing everything that happened to them and to make sure that whatever Mark Atony says to try to turn the people against them won't work. Brutus adopts a confident and direct speech to make sure the people of Rome don't turn against him and all of the senators and they will support the killing of Caesar.

Antony's speech is way different from Brutus's speech in many ways. Mark Atony’s speech at Caesar's funeral swayed the people into knowing the murder of his friend and their great ruler was not ok and that those who did it should be punished. Antony's purpose is to show how Caesar would have been a great leader and how Brutus and the other senator's actions should not go unpunished. Anthony adopts a sarcastic and sympathetic tone to sway the people of Rome against the senators of Rome.

They are also alike in many ways. They both are trying to get the people on their side and both use very similar tones to get their point across. They both use confident tones that help get their points across. They also have the same goals for the outcomes of their speeches which is to get the people of Rome on their side. They both try to make the people of Rome think that they are doing everything for them and how they have their best interest at heart.

In conclusion, we know that both these speeches are very alike and very different. They both use confident tones and try to make the people of Rome believe that they are doing everything for them. Antony’s speech used a sarcastic and confident tone to turn the people of Rome against Brutus. While Brutus adopts a confident and direct speech to make sure the people of Rome don't turn against him and all of the senators and they will support the killing of Caesar. Both of these speeches are so alike and so different.

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