Convictions and Morals in Hamlet Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Hamlet, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 483
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 15 March 2022

The human need to make a commitment or renounce a course of action is often made by the situations and emotions one faces. The play, “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare portrays a concept in which convictions and morals are the center of decision making. Shakespeare’s way of understanding emotions is shown greatly through the many different characters in the play, especially Hamlet. Hamlet’s family issues leave him in a difficult situation both physically and mentally. Being the son of a great king, Hamlet viewed his father as a mighty and noble man, holding him in high regard. However, not only does Hamlet have to deal with the grief over his loss, but also his anger towards his mother and Claudius. This is the point in the play where a seed of animosity is planted in Hamlet towards his uncle. Later in the play, it is revealed to Hamlet that it was Claudius who killed his father. Realizing the sin committed, Hamlet’s contempt towards his uncle rises, leading his convictions to take root. However, as much as he would like to see Claudius pay for the murder of his father, Hamlet’s convictions overlap with his own morals. As a man of honor and faith, Hamlet has to deal with the obligation to avenge his father which opposes his own beliefs. Through the play, Hamlet convinces himself that Claudius is the problem, and decides to deal with him permanently. At this point, Hamlet is now determined to kill Claudius, disregarding his values, but ultimately avenging his father. Hamlet’s thoughts, and feelings are what led him to take action against Claudius. 

Throughout the play, Hamlet voices his disgust at the marriage between his mother and uncle. Hamlet’s anger leads to a rise in his malicious thoughts. With their marriage, Shakespeare was able to plant within Hamlet the seeds of suspicion regarding their innocence in the matter. Hamlet, now being skeptical of Claudius, becomes more cautious of his uncle’s actions. Later, an encounter with Hamlet’s father’s ghost, reveals that the one behind his death was Claudius. To prove his father’s accusations, Hamlet decides that he will, “Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as swift / As meditation or the thoughts of love, / May sweep to my revenge”, (lines 29-31). He conducts a series of his own tests which would decide Claudious’ fate. Hamlet decides that by finding fault with Claudius, there would be reason to kill him. He explains his plan saying that he will, “Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven / And that his soul may be as damned and black”, (lines 94-95). Hamlet thinks that if Claudius dies while acting foolish, he will pay for it in the underworld. With Hamlet’s plan, he will not only be able to justify his own need to kill Claudius for revenge, but will also make sure that once he dies, he goes to Hell. Through time, Hamlet comes to believe his father’s words, therefore committing his life to avenging his father. He now believes that his father was murdered and is convinced that he must be avenged by the death of Claudius.

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