Cost of Raising a Child Essay Example

📌Category: Family, Life, Personal finance
📌Words: 466
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 August 2022

Psychology defines Early Child Care as the daytime care of children by a person or organization while parents are at work.( In the past sixty years, child care in America has changed rapidly as the culture has. Many people debate whether we have lost our family values. I believe there is a correlation between inflation and cultural standards being the driving cause behind the negative views of Early Childhood Education. From “Leave it to Beaver” to the show “Mom” we have seen quite a shift in what daytime family media depicts as relatable family values and appropriation. In 1960, parents paid just $25,299 to raise their child to the age of 18. Adjusted to inflation, the total is $202,020. ( How does the average American’s income compare to that of inflation? I believe that if adequately socialized, and provided with structure a child is better at home with at least one supporting family member.

According to Devon Delfino, writer at wrote On average, 2.4% of parents are staying at home with their children as of early 2021, up from pre-COVID-19 levels of 1.5% in 2019. These numbers support my theory on inflation being a driving cause behind the negative view of Early Childhood Care. 9 million people lost their jobs due to COVID-19. With the shutting down and opening of sporadic scheduling, I also had to quit my job to help my daughter live consistently and preserve her academic career. She has been diagnosed with a series of disorders consistency has been the most organic way to help her adjust to big events. Without the support of the community, I believe a lot of parents with children felt fear for their children's academic development. As did I.

“Leave it to Beaver” aired on television broadcast networks ABC and CBS. CBS was also the host of the beloved show “I Love Lucy”. On both of these Americana platforms of pioneer television stay at home mothers, obedient children, organized households, and working fathers were depicted. There are no issues of alcoholism, sexual abuse, or addiction shown or promoted. Forward onward to 2017 and your American prime time depicts shows like “mom” Where a single mother battles sobriety is a single mother of two children trying to juggle dating, her mother, and everyday life in sobriety.

In 1960, parents paid just $25,299 to raise their child to the age of 18. Adjusted to inflation, the total is $202,020. ( The average middle-class American today has an income range of about $30,000 to $90,000. The average middle-class American in 1960 made $7,400. This was about $480, or 7 percent, higher than the revised 1965 figure of about $7,000.(Income in 1966 of Families and Persons in the United States, 2021). In the 1960s your average income over eighteen years would be $134,640. This means your childhood expenses would equate to about thirty-six percent of your income. If we take the median range of today`s middle class of about sixty thousand dollars a year we would calculate an income of $1,080,000 over eighteen years.

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