Danger in The Odyssey Literary Analysis Essay

📌Category: Homer, Odyssey, Poems, Writers
📌Words: 449
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 April 2022

Imagine you were in the Odyssey. Showing Xenia to the gods, and trying to come back home but how much danger can a mortal face? Odysseus found himself in peril coming back to Ithica in book 9 facing the cyclops and in book 12 facing Scylla/ Charybdis. 

Odysseus is very smart only in times of trouble. He actually keeps leading his men into endangerment situations because he is only thinking about himself.  In book 9 “The Cyclops” he says “with my own company and finds out what the mainland native are- for they may be wild savages, and lawless, or hospitable and god fearing men” (Chapman 509) and  “I wish to see the cavemen, what had to offer-” (Chapman 509)  Clearly, Odysseus made the decision of going to see the cyclops, he knew the cyclops could’ve been dangerous and very unsafe to go into his cave, because of his curiosity and desire to be the best his men were slaughtered. Another thing supporting this idea is “But the Cyclops went on filling up his belly with man-flesh and great gulps of whey” (Chapman 1?)  as you can see he did get his man killed. until he realized they were in danger, Odysseus did nothing but make fun of the cyclops which is just a huge risk that he took and got them in more trouble. 

In addition about Odysseus puts his man in danger over and over again. In Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus says “but as I send them towards Scylla, I told them nothing”  distinctly he sends his man to die. Even though he got out alive, and made it back to Ithica. Odysseus told them to go to Scylla which is directly putting them in danger. “ She ate them as they shrieked there, in her den,  in the dire grapple, reaching still for me— and deathly pity ran me through at that sight—far the worst I ever suffered..” “questing the passes of the strange sea. We rowed on. The Rocks were now behind; Charybdis, too,  and Scylla dropped astern.” He not only lost his boat but got 6 of his best man killed “ Then Scylla made her strike, whisking six of my best men from the ship.” He kept putting his men at risk which got them most if not all killed. 

In conclusion, Odysseus kept putting him and his men in danger. Apart from the fact that he does this with the Cyclops, Polyphemos, but also with Scylla and Charybdis several times. In the real world, people make mistakes like hanging out with the wrong people or being in toxic friendships, and not doing something about it till it’s too late. For trying to act strong or brave etc. Odysseus kept doing the same and got into very hazardous situations. Wich causes him the death of most if not all of his men.

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