Death Comes for the Archbishop Book Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 743
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 August 2022

Death Comes for the Archbishop was written by Willa Cathers and was published in 1927. Death Comes for the Archbishop is not a typical book that has a clearly defined plot. This story is the narrative of two Catholic clergy members and their adventures in the uncivilized town of Sante Fe.  Death Comes for the Archbishop follows the lives of two men in New Mexico who are trying to build a church community in a very rough and tumble place. They triumph over the wicked ways of the Spanish dons and priests, they resolve various spats and feuds that arise between Native tribes, as well as the immigrated Europeans, and all the while they are showing kindness and love to all the people around them. 

Death Comes for the Archbishop is a nearly plotless narrative following two Catholic priests as they make their way from Ohio to New Mexico. Upon reaching Sante Fe, the men are faced with challenges such as nearly being murdered and then being saved by Magdelena, their assailant’s wife. Then, the local Spanish dons and priests show no respect for the authority of French Fathers Latour and Vaillant. As a result of this, Father Latour and Father Vaillant journey around New Mexico, stopping in various settlements to perform marriages, baptisms, and give the last rights to various people. Upon returning to Sante Fe, the Spaniards are still very hesitant to welcome Frenchmen, but they are more welcome than previously. So, Fathers Vaillant and Latour decide to stay. The men are then faced with settling the animosity between the local Native tribes, settling various debates between the Spanish dons, and all the while they are trying to build a convent. As time goes by, the men earn great standing and respect within the community of Sante Fe, and eventually, both men become archbishops. After nearly twenty years, Father Vaillant has moved on to Colorado, but Father Latour is still in Sante Fe. After a series of illnesses, Latour contracts a cold and passes away. The main idea of Death Comes for the Archbishop is that even through adversity, Father Latour and Father Vaillant show God’s love to all the people of Sante Fe.

Identifying the various points of a plot for this novel is extremely difficult because Death Comes for the Archbishop is considered a narrative rather than your typical novel with easily identified plot points. However, the most basic elements of the story can be deciphered. The book starts out with a meeting between several French and Italian church officials who are debating the situation in Mexico, Arizona, California, and New Mexico. This is considered the exposition. The part where Bishop Latour and Father Vaillant start their journey to Sante Fe and lose all their luggage in Galveston is the rising action. Additionally, when Fathers Vaillant and Latour are nearly assassinated by Spanish don and landowner Buck Scales might also be considered the rising action. The climax is spread out over most of the book, as the “climax” of Death Comes for the Archbishop is considered the various moments of adversity throughout the book because there are different groups of people who hold grudges against each other. There was an abundant amount of acrimony and enmity between these people. When there is less hostility between the different social classes, landowners, and Native tribes, Father Latour and Father Vaillant are less tense and busy. This is the falling action. The book ends when Father Latour contracts an illness and passes away peacefully.

There are various conflicts throughout the novel Death Comes for the Archbishop. To start, there are abounding spats over land between the most influential Spanish dons. There are also religious disputes between the French fathers (Father Latour and Father Vaillant) and the Spanish fathers.  Additionally, the Native Hopi and Navajo clans compete for resources needed to survive. Fathers Vaillant and Latour also had multiple disputes with the Spanish lords for various reasons. For instance, wealthy landowner Buck Scales attempted to murder the newly arrived French fathers. Luckily though, as time went on, these strifes became less frequent, and Sante Fe became a far more peaceful place than it was before Father Latour and and Father Vaillant came to town. 

In short, Death Comes for the Archbishop is the narrative of two Catholic church officials, their journey to Sante Fe, and how they helped the clashing people of the settlements.  Eventually, Fathers Vaillant and Latour were able to help the people of Sante Fe work through their differences. This novel is quite unusual because it is considered to be nearly plotless whereas most novels have a very distinct plot line. Father Latour and Father Vaillant were just two men facing the adversity and turmoil of the Southwest, all so that they could show the people of Sante Fe God’s love and mercy.

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